As the owner of a small business in Braidwood, it has become very apparent just how much commerce in our town depends on Canberra residents who pass through en route to or from the coast.
Now that we’re on the “other side” of summer and the holiday traffic has subsided, business operators have to meet the challenge of maintaining trade from Canberra residents who might not be passing through to and from the coast quite so often. The Riot ACT is a very effective way of reaching Canberrans and it’s a good idea to get some feedback in regards to how you view our town. Is it just a speed hump on the way to the coast or do you value it as a place to visit for lunch, a spot of shopping or a destination from whence to explore nearby wilderness areas?
We’d love your opinions!
What makes you stop in Braidwood?
What Makes you drive straight through?
What are the attractions that make you stop?
Which businesses stand out in your opinion?
Do you think that as such a unique and aesthetically pleasing town, anything lets it down? Service, opening hours, lack of choice, parking etc!
How could Braidwood be improved to make it a destination as opposed to just a stopover?