30 October 2005

Ever wondered what witches get up to on a night out?

| johnboy
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Exodus 22-18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live..

Or, on the other hand, you can join the 116 witches on the Canberra Witches Meetup and head to the back room of the pub on 08-NOV-05.

Which pub you ask? Better sign up to the group.

UPDATED: If you can’t make the 8th they’ve got another night planned for the 22nd.

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Microsoft Word ALT Numeric keys. I spent nearly 1 and 1/2 bloody hours looking up the alt codes for smiley faces for Thumper the other day and this is the thanks I get ?

Yeah babelfish…

non, des films americains et des idiots.

and do tell me how you got your accents there?

parlons-nous des sorcières françaises maintenant ?

In which case Philby, Van Wilder should have spent more time in French classes and less time planning parties cos he’s got the pronoun agreement wrong too.

mon frere (first person possesive masculine singular)
mes freres (first person possesive masculine plural)
ma soeur (first person possesive feminine singular)
mes soeurs (first person possesive feminine plural)

lg – in my experience high iq does not preclude anyone from fruitloopedness.

anyway iq is passe, its all about eq these days.

The line is “au contraire mon freres” (“brothers” in the plural) and was uttered by Ryan Reynolds playing the lead/title role in the forgettable 2002 US frat boy/college comedy, “Van Wilder:Party Liaison”

Yes I am indeed a “girl”. But I French isn’t one of my languages, so I didn’t notice. (the word, not that I’m a girl).

A few points:

I am not fragile
I do NOT hug. In fact I don’t like to be touched by ANYONE (unless I want to shag them or I have given birth to them)
Yes, I am very tolerant of all other religions, and there is no “hell”. I don’t care what anyone does as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.
I am not a “fruitloop”. I have an IQ of 157 and a degree in (oops, won’t say, makes me sound boring but it’s a numbers and money thing). I am, however, probably “fruity enough to be interesting”.

JB: Wasn’t it enough that I went to the frigging RSVP party for Riotact? You really want me to do more????? Actually, I tend to avoid these kind of “gatherings”. Too many teenage girls that watch Charmed and have no idea what Wicca is, just think it’s cool to say they are a Witch. For every genuine Wiccan, there are a hundred who say they are because they think it is “cool”.

So some young lad at the racecourse is trying to insert your wiccan associate ?

Sorry, I had to bite *g*

I keep trying to insert my Wiccan associate but she was off to the Melbourne Cup thingy at the racecourse.

Thumper, nice mondegreen btw 🙂

Bahaha, hell hath no fury like a woman’s sarcastic french lesson. Nice one K.

Relax Thumper, you’re alright fella. Incidently that’s why I don’t submit links (or many posts for that matter), I am not savvy to the ways of computer stuff. Easy mistake to have made.

Not sure what you’re on about Mael, but “au contraire mon frere” means “to the contrary, my brother” and frere is indeed a real french word, it just normally has an accent but i’ll be buggered if I know the html for doing accents.

and bulldog, i tend to get sarcastic when i get annoyed. remember me telling thumper off for not explaining linked stories?

K, I think his comment was in relation to something that was said in a movie, the name of which escapes me.

He has spelt frere out phonetically, I’m unsure if it is an actual word in french.

I’m thinking it’s fred estaire, using rhyming slang in a movie something like ‘singing in the rain’…

Does that ring any bells ?

K – You’d by the only one referring to Bonfire as ‘mon chere’… Horses for courses though.

Ok I know I’m coming in a bit late, but every time I look at this thread it bugs me that bonfire said “au contraire mon frere” when addresseing LG.

Now I’m reasonably sure we’ve confirmed LurkerGal as indeed being a gal (unlike Absent Diane) and as such if a familiarity must be used, for goodness sakes get the grammar right!

Je croit que vous voudriez dire “au contraire MA SOEUR” ou meme peut etre “ma fille”, mon cher Bonfire.

Bonfire, you’ve never seen AFL players ?

rg im not sure, bit you know all those friends who say ‘mate i didnt want to say anything at the time, but…’ well they’ve all been told to tell me at the time.

on a serious note, i found a lot of people involved in the wicca stuff to be very fragile.

its all about happiness and light, which is a change from fire and brimstone. they move in a diff circle to the black magic crowd. harmless and reasonably friendly. it was the first group of people i encountered who were always hugging each other.

very strange.

I agree with JB, in a non-interfering and non-inquisitive kind of way, a RA reporter on the ground to detail what’s going on during an event in Canberra is nothing but a good thing.

if you people knew the fruitloops ive dated…

Were they fruitloops before or after they dated you?

Well LG, if you want to get along to the pub and report back on the non-secret portions to set the record straight we’d all be very appreciative.

AND we’d be in thrall to what you’d have to say.

Bonfire, I think we are getting a pretty good idea..

Personally I think wiccans rock (pun intended). Just fruity enough to be interesting but don’t tell me I’m going to hell or try to blow me up, generally tolerant, don’t preach at me and like drinking. As far as religious beliefs go, not bad.

i also recalll carting rocks out of her bungalow to recharge by the full moon.

and something about saturn returns.

if you people knew the fruitloops ive dated…

Trust me Ralph, you don’t wanna see me skyclad.

Let me know next time you’re going sky clad under the full moon….

Wicca isn’t about materialism, so anyone who tells you it can help you get rich doesn’t quite know what they are doing…. (not necessarily through their own fault).

Mael: I understand where you are coming from. My friend’s Dad thinks I make patio furniture. lol.

For everybody else;

The ‘magic rocks’ were a collection of pebbles from my back yard that I brought in to tease a witch after accompanying her to a shop to buy some ‘special stones’ (or whatever they’re called).

The theory went along the lines of; They were magic because I said they were magic and since they were purchasing the rocks off somebody who was unqualified (or didn’t show me any qualifications to the contrary) who was saying they were magical, who were they to judge that my pebbles weren’t magical.

They were freeer at least, having come from my back yard.

I agree with bonfire. The day they told me there was a crystal that would make you rich just by having it in your possession, I began to think it was a little on the eccentric side of the house.

I know as much about wicca in that I thought it was spelt wicker. I’ve teased all the witches I’ve ever met and have not yet had any unsightly defects or broken bones despite all the bad karma I’ve had projected at me.

Then again, as Thumper will confirm, I’m sitting right behind a witch at my desk.

It’s all made-up… The only wicker is the type used in basket creation.

au contraire mon frere, i dated a witch many years ago. she sold advertising by day, held circles by night and practised as a psychic on weekends.it was what id call a challenging relationship. i recall the discussions we had over crystals and the power they allegedly held. she gave me a book PROVING how various crystals affected things, and it was pseudoscientific gobbledygook written in an incomprehensible style. despite her oddball beliefs, she was OK.

Thumper: But you’ll get better!

You really don’t know anything about Wicca, do you bonfire? Mind you, that’s never stopped you from having an opinion before…..

watch all the amethyst and cat food disappear from canberra store shelves.

yet more deranged people.

As a Wiccan I think that…. Oh who am I kidding. No one cares what I think. Leave it here.

If they met at a pub, maybe?

If it was the Catholics, definitely (I’m going to get sued for that aren’t I?)

Category: Seedier side of the city? Would a meeting of Presbyterian clergy be put in that category?

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