The Chief Minister has a media release out proclaiming that today he will introduce a Bill into the Assembly to create an institution of same-sex civil-union.
Mr Stanhope said feedback from the Government’s consultation process had indicated that many people would welcome the new laws. He was aware that some people would not welcome the move.
Now to someone like me this seems like a good compromise to end unfair discrimination against committed gay and lesbian couples while retaining “marriage” in its tradional sense.
But will this compromise actually satisfy either the pink triangle, or the old fashion poofter-haters in our society?
UPDATE: The SMH has picked up the story, via AAP.
FURTHER UPDATE: Liberal Bill Stefaniak is hearing his master’s voice (the catholic lobby) and has put out a media release in which he looks at reasons to oppose this without actually being brave enough to say he opposes it.
ANOTHER UPDATE: The Greens have weighed in calling Stanhope chicken for not going further, but mostly gibbering about their Tasmanian meltdown.
FURTHER UPDATE: A happy Chief Minister has put out another media release looking forward to the happy day his law comes into effect.
The Government expects the law to be passed in May, with the legislation commencing once the relevant administrative procedures and databases have been established. The procedure for entering into a civil union will require that a couple gives a month’s notice of its intention to an authorised celebrant. This means that the first unions to be formalised under the new law could take place as early as the middle of the year.
Once More With Feeling: The Canberra Times has come to the party pointing out that gay couples (or indeed anyone else) will be able to get a civil union at a younger age than a wedding. Interestingly the CT and Markus Mannheim are running hard with the Australian Christian Lobby’s angle.