Sex Party Candidate Deborah Avery has sent in her answers answers to the questions you asked, and Robbie Swan gave us the answers to some you didn’t.
Candidates, the readers of RiotACT are your voters and they have questions for you! If you’d like to answer those questions and prove you care what your voters think then email us at contact@the-riotact.com.
You can find the questions here.
1. What are your views on euthanasia?
People should be able to die when they want to and not when the state tells them they can die. Your Life – Your Choice. Your Death – Your Choice.
2. Do you support a High Speed Rail Link between Sydney/Canberra/Melbourne?
Yes. Long overdue. Four hours to Sydney on a train means you can almost drive there and back in the same time. Why don’t they start a horse and buggy service from the Jolimont Centre and at least you get to smell the countryside. With a good horse it would only be a couple of hours longer.
3. Are you comfortable with the distribution of wealth in modern day Australia?
Of course not. You only need to walk around the lane ways behind Garema Place or check out the bushes behind the Canberra Theatre to see that there are plenty of people sleeping rough each night. Labor took away pensions for single mothers and made life tough for widows. Abbott hasn’t addressed this. There are thousands of mainly baby boomer women who have nothing to retire on. They all live the life of Riley up there on Capital Hill and couldn’t give a S*** about poor people. They just keep paying themselves more. Politician’s wages are the best gauge as to how the wealth gap is widening.
4. Recent polling (Auspoll) shows housing affordability to be a critical issue for a majority of Australians, with 84% of respondents saying it was important to them or their families, putting housing affordability ahead of issues such as education, border security, the NBN and NDIS.
The same poll also revealed that 84% of respondents also believe that Australia is not performing well on housing affordability.
Australian Governments are failing badly on this issue of critical importance to Australians.
What would you do to improve housing affordability?
Build more and cheaper houses! That’s obvious. But where does the money come from? We don’t know. We don’t pretend to know and can’t possibly know without access to government facts and figures.
5. To me the NBN seems like a great idea, can you tell me why you think it’s ace/a dumb idea.
Well it’s not unlike a fast and affordable rail link. It’s something we need to carry us into the 21st century and beyond. It also has the capacity to reform voting in elections which is still a corrupt system under the preferential voting system we have. The AEC still will not accept candidate nominations for elections via email – only by fax or by hand. They will not accept candidate deposits by electronic funds transfer or Bpay… only by bank cheque or cash. Most people under 25 have never heard of a bank cheque and only criminals and dope dealers carry around the large sums of cash that parties need to stump up at election time. The reason they are fearful of the technology is that it’s not reliable enough. NBN should change that.
6. Do you think cyclists should be registered?!
Yes, and restauranteurs, Young Liberals and bush walkers. They’re all a worry.
7. What is your position on gay marriage?
Missionary. With soft pillows. We support equal rights in all areas of society for all people. Equal equals democracy. Our Queensland Senate team is the first openly all gay Senate ticket ever, for the Senate.
8. Would you be willing to cross the floor on matters of strong personal conscience or of significant concern for your electorate?
Yes. We are the only party that allows people to join if they are members of another party (I’m a member of another party too). So crossing the floor and voting with another party on a matter of conscience is built into our party structure.
9. What are your views on the NSA collecting private information of Australian citizens and corporations, of the Australian government’s participation in similar programmes, and of the apparent silence of Australian politicians on the matter?
F** them!!!! No data retention of any kind. If a politician says ‘If you’re not doing anything wrong, you’ve got nothing to hide’ we say ‘if you’re not doing anything wrong why should you have your data retained!’
10. We hear so much negativity about the opposition when election time rolls around– what three things do you consider to be positive about any of your opponents and why?
Zed’s hair. Kate Lundy’s brain. Simon Sheik’s soul.
Bonus question?
Hang on…there’s no place here to put something that the parties want to say. Can we have just once space at the beginning or end to say something we want to say as well as what you want us to say. Fair’s fair. We take the time to fill this in, surely we can have one answer without a question.
Thank you.The Sex Party wants to see cracker night brought back. Many families and community groups loved the traditional cracker night and it was only John Hargreave’s cat that caused fireworks to be banned from the ACT. Between the police and emergency services it should not be too hard to allow permitted bonfires and licensed fireworks again without any real problems developing. It’s a right of passage for many kids and the one opportunity they get to see a big blaze up front and personal. They love it.
Wowserish politicians have banned fireworks and the suburban bonfire because someone might get hurt and a few dogs go apeshit. Big deal. That’s no reason to ban it for everyone. The wow factor is being taken out of life for many people now because of political correctness.
And while we’re on it. Bring back the plastic bags in supermarkets! I know 20 people who have 20 of those 15 cent indestructible Coles and Woolies brand bags in the back of their car and they are multiplying. Coles and Woolies are making a fortune on these bags at our expense. Supermarkets should be made to pay for an environmental bag that breaks down within a few weeks to made available, at their cost, in all ACT supermarkets. This experiment has not worked and there are more indestructible bags in the environment now than ever.
Robbie Swan
Registered Officer
Australian Sex Party