26 May 2008

Gungahlin Town Centre Planning Study - Drop-in Session 27 May 2008

| Jonathon Reynolds
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I was forwarded a copy of the attached email which may be of interest to Gungahlin residents:



Dear sir/madam,

The ACT Planning and Land Authority is conducting a study to identify and address key planning, transport and urban design issues in the Gungahlin Town Centre. The study intends to review commercial and community land supplies in the Town Centre with a focus on possible locations for future development, urban character of future development, and current and future transport arrangements.

The Gungahlin Town Centre was established in 1993 as a central focus for Gungahlin. The urban village approach taken in its planning distinguishes Gungahlin from other town centres with its emphasis on dense mixed use development that includes residential development with environmentally responsive built form and active street frontages. A main street style of development that creates walkable well-made public domain, rather than the retail mall model of other town centres. This study intends to review the original Gungahlin Town Centre planning and design intentions to lead future planning, design, development and management towards a sustainable goal.

As part of this study an Issues Paper and Draft Concept Report have been released for consultation and are attached for your contribution. The issues paper outlines existing and potential issues faced by the community and the draft concept report introduces the Authority’s initial ideas to respond to the key issues. Electronic copies are available from the Authority’s website www.actpla.act.gov.au.

The Authority invites you to express your opinion about the study. Any input that you may wish to make to this study would be appreciated. This might relate to specific plans, issues to be considered, or general comments on the process. All submission closes on Monday, 16 June 2008 and your timely advice would be greatly appreciated.

A drop-in centre will be set up at Gungahlin Community Centre on Tuesday, 27 May 2008 from 6pm to 8pm. Detailed information about the study will be available at the centre and you are welcome to discuss your concerns with members of the Authority. An online survey is also available at www.actpla.act.gov.au regarding this study. You are also welcome to make written submissions. Please forward any written submissions via email to the Authority gungahlinplanningstudy@act.gov.au. or by post at Gungahlin Town Centre Planning Study, ACTPLA, GPO Box 1908, Canberra ACT, 2601.

The Authority will carefully consider all submissions and develop a proposal for future planning arrangements for the Town Centre. This will be released as a draft report for a second round of public review later in 2008.

If you would like to discuss any matter in detail, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Study Project Manager Jason Forest (02) 6205 0873.

I look forward to your interest.

Yours sincerely

Garrick Calnan
Manager, Development Policy
ACT Planning and Land Authority
26 May 2008

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