The ACT Planning and Land Authority is asking for you to come along and have some input into the planning of the new Molonglo region:
A community display and forum will be held this Thursday on the planning for the next suburbs to be developed in Molonglo Valley.
Chief Planning Executive of the ACT Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA), Neil Savery, said the forum would focus on housing, transport, commercial and community facilities and the environment in Molonglo Valley stage 2.
“We want to hear what the community thinks about this very special part of Canberra, with its focus on the Molonglo River corridor.
“The consultation will inform the planning and design framework, which will guide the location and layout of the different land uses, infrastructure, roads and services,” Mr Savery said.
“Molonglo Valley stage 2 will house up to 18,000 people in a mix of housing types. It will have a vibrant commercial centre, community facilities and open spaces, and safe transport networks.
“Work to date has looked at a range of environmental considerations, including a Molonglo River corridor nature park, energy and water efficient design, the challenge presented by some steep topography, accessibility, location of the group centre and provision of services.”