Simon Corbell has announced his thoughts on where the big shops are going to be in the new Molonglo development (known to planning nerds as a “community focused group centre”).
He’d also like to get yours.
“The Molonglo Valley is an exciting new development for the ACT and it is imperative that we get the views of the community on what amenities should be included during development as well as the design of public places would be desirable,” Mr Corbell said.
“Molonglo Valley is the ACT?s next frontier of development, and it is the intention of the government to involve the community who will enjoy this area in coming years to be involved with it?s development throughout the whole process.”
The group centre will provide a mix of uses, including community, education and recreation facilities, commercial, retail and housing.
One of the design features, “fingers of green? is proposed to connect the new centre and residential areas to the Molonglo River corridor, responding to the unique landscape setting and natural attributes of the Molonglo Valley.
“We would like to hear how the community thinks the centre can reflect the Molonglo Valley identity, what the public places should look like and how we can make it an active and vibrant centre,” Mr Corbell said.
You can email to share your thoughts.