16 May 2013

Please don't spread salmonella

| BimboGeek
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Hi guys

Just wanted to remind everyone that salmonella and other food borne illnesses are also transmissible person-to-person. We’ve all seen how diseases can spread rapidly through Canberra so here’s some tips from everyone’s favourite waitress (me!) to help keep this outbreak contained.

Please stay home from work if you’ve been sick (particularly vomiting, diarrhoea, fever) and even more importantly, keep your kids home from school or childcare as they aren’t likely to understand the importance of hectic hygiene. Us food handlers (including waiters etc) will already be legally forbidden to work if diagnosed with a reportable disease but the rest of you also won’t get any thanks for spreading diseases around the office (site, showroom, lair).

Wash your hands after going to the toilet, before and after eating (drinking, smoking) and obviously before cooking or serving. Scrub them well with soap, up to and over the wrist, between the fingers and under the nails. At work we dry hands with paper towel because fabric stays moist after use and water breeds germs. Consider keeping some alcohol gel on hand or in your handbag for quick top-ups and convenience.

Remember you won’t show any symptoms of food poisoning for up to a week after eating affected food. Some bugs will hit you instantly but others won’t. So don’t assume you’re not contagious just because you haven’t shown symptoms yet. If your family and friends are affected, there’s a good chance you will be too. Better a bit of paranoid hand washing than a week in hospital.

To avoid food poisoning in the home (doubly important until we figure out what supplied food might be involved here), keep your meat at the bottom of the fridge, make sure your fridge is under 5 degrees and your freezer keeping things hard, clean off your chopping boards after cutting dangerous foods (don’t put raw meat on your salads), only thaw frozen meat in the fridge, keep your groceries in the fridge until you need them, putting them away as soon as they are used and make sure you’re cooling leftovers instantly, in small portions. Wash everything and don’t rely on cooking to destroy bugs.

Stay healthy Canberra!

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Ben_Dover said :

Don’t spread salmonella, try our new Tunamonella instead.

You might laugh but some guy at the Nutella factory got sacked over that decision

Don’t spread salmonella, try our new Tunamonella instead.

What the lump is “hectic hygiene”?

detached_dingleberry2:41 pm 16 May 13

“Us food handlers (including waiters etc) will already be legally forbidden to work if diagnosed with a reportable disease…”

Ummm what relevance does this have for us here in Australia?

I eat raw meat regularly. Just not chicken. Raw chicken is evil.

Also, the “Please stay home from work if you’ve been sick (particularly vomiting, diarrhoea, fever) and even more importantly, keep your kids home from school or childcare” hits a raw nerve as I had to pick up my child from school again because she complained about feeling unwell and a teacher decided she looked a bit pale. Whatever happened to “Do you have a fever? Vomiting? Diarrhoea? Serious injury? No? You should be at school (or work) then and stop your whingeing!”. I am fed up with everyone else deciding when my child is sick and needs to be taken home when she isn’t actually showing any symptoms and just wants to skip school.

Caution and good hygiene, yes. Overcautious scare mongering, no!

DUB said :

In Canberra, you are more likely to spread chlamydia than salmonella.

Speak for yourself there mate.

Does it come in a jar these days?

Salmon flavoured Nutella?

Madam Cholet1:05 pm 16 May 13

I had salmonella poisoning when I was 4 months pregnant which was not nice and probably made it a bit more serious. I recall the obstetrician advising that it can hang around in the body for up to a couple of months so you have to be really careful in case you get a re-occurrence.

I do recall him asking me at the time if I had any contact from the health dept as it is a notifiable illness. I did not and have always wondered if they should have followed up, or if it looked like a one off case that it means they treat as just that and don’t worry until they see more. I will probably never know.

I didn’t realise salmonella was communicable, wow.

In Canberra, you are more likely to spread chlamydia than salmonella.

…spread salmonella? I barely know her.

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