Under our Dark Lord Abbott’s present public service jobs freeze, the CSIRO look to lose about a quarter of their staff, reports the Syndey Morning Herald.
Thanks to Tony’s plan to cut 12,000 jobs from public servants, the employment of 1,400 non-ongoing CSIRO staff and the research projects they’re working on are threatened. Sadly for these workers with their heads on the block there are no answers for them.
Maybe the Minster for Science could help?
Oh wait… that’s right.
No science minister, no climate change commission, a quarter of CSIRO left to die, the environment minister is not attending the international climate change negotiations in Warsaw, the NBN ripped out from under us… Anyone else feel we are rapidly moving backwards?
What’s next Tony?
How much do you want to bet that by this time next year Tony will have downgraded Medicare so that it only covers the use of leeches and amputation?
Image by toolmantim (CC BY 2.0)]