The ABC has the story on the expected pre-selection triumph of Zed Seselja in knocking over Senator Gary Humphries:
The ACT Liberal Party has dumped long-serving Senator Gary Humphries after a bitter preselection battle.
Former ACT Liberal leader Zed Seselja won today’s preselection vote 114 to 84 votes.
CityNews reports that Pogo* stalwart Gary Kent is planning to try and overturn the Zeddite victory:
Former party president Gary Kent, a Humphries supporter, has gathered the requisite number of party members’ signatures on a petition to force the party to hold a meeting in coming weeks to consider overthrowing this morning’s vote and beginning the preselection process again. More than two thirds of the party’s membership have been deemed ineligible to take part in the preselection process.
In other exciting news it’s going to be Lee v. Leigh in Fraser after Elizabeth Lee agreed to take up the poisoned chalice.
* Pogonophile, a lover of beards.
UPDATE 23/02/13 17:46: Craig Stanley has sent in video from the announcement.