18 December 2013

24 Hour Belconnen Mall! But How?

| nospamboz
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Target and Kmart are open 24 hours at Westfield Belconnen, but how do you get in?

I moved to Belconnen a few weeks ago from Perth WA. I went to the mall at 6:30 this morning (bright sunlight) to pick up a fan before work. I tried several entrances, entering and leaving several car parks, before I finally found an entrance open on the west side next to the Aldi. That took me to the Target, where I got the fan I needed.

But I’m still confused. I couldn’t see any signs indicating how to enter the 24 hour shops. I’m still unsure how I can enter the Kmart out of regular mall hours.

Any advice?

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thatsnotme said :

shirty_bear said :

PBO said :

Me: “Do you know Kmart used to sell guns?

Huh. I remember sports stores (e.g. Mick Simmons) selling guns, but not K-Mart.
I remember K-Mart having a cafeteria inside though. Also remember it having a catchy name, but don’t remember what it was. Will speculate “Betty’s”. As in “Betty’s home of lukewarm listeria”.

Firstly, PBO – that was epic, well done!

Secondly, I have a vague memory of seeing guns for sale in K-Mart in the Hyperdome. We’re talking around when it opened, in 1987. Can anyone confirm or deny?


shirty_bear said :

PBO said :

Me: “Do you know Kmart used to sell guns?

Huh. I remember sports stores (e.g. Mick Simmons) selling guns, but not K-Mart.
I remember K-Mart having a cafeteria inside though. Also remember it having a catchy name, but don’t remember what it was. Will speculate “Betty’s”. As in “Betty’s home of lukewarm listeria”.

Firstly, PBO – that was epic, well done!

Secondly, I have a vague memory of seeing guns for sale in K-Mart in the Hyperdome. We’re talking around when it opened, in 1987. Can anyone confirm or deny?

PBO said :

Me: “Do you know Kmart used to sell guns?

Huh. I remember sports stores (e.g. Mick Simmons) selling guns, but not K-Mart.
I remember K-Mart having a cafeteria inside though. Also remember it having a catchy name, but don’t remember what it was. Will speculate “Betty’s”. As in “Betty’s home of lukewarm listeria”.

Apsara said :

I’m hearing you!

I had the exact same issue. I wasn’t so early, so by the time I came out of Kmart, the information booth was open.

So I asked the 2 x 12 year olds (ok, they were probably adults, but they looked so young) manning the kiosk at the time.

Their response to my question of which doors to use… “dunno – just try them all until you find ones that open”

yeah – no shit-sherlock!

Thats probably the best you can expect from produce of our ill thought out college decisions, do you really think that when you knocked up that girl in school when you were both drinking goon bags and smoking lots of pot, the child that this drunken root produced, would be able to tell you anything of worth?

Information desk flunky: “Uh ya, the door is totes that way. But it’s locked after hours so you have to use an open one. oh amazeballs, can you read a map?”

Me: “Do you know Kmart used to sell guns?

Information desk flunky: (Shocked and stunned) “Thats a lie, I have never seen that in my 17 highly informative years on this planet so it must be a lie because there is also no app for that.”

Me: “Hmm, this must be Deja Moo, Because I have the feeling I’ve heard this bull before.

Information Desk Flunky: Huh?

When you get a response like that ask for their manager to come over and ask in a clear distint and direct tone; “Are your names Control, Alt and Delete?” And when they look confused hit them all at once. But that may get you into trouble with the security apes of the mall. If you get assaulted by one of them it is hard to prove because none of them have teeth and their DNA is all the same.

For people running the “Information” booth, they sure are far from being informative and in most cases need to be informed.

Most stores are like this though, there was one time I was at the chemist and asked; “Off the record, which cold medicine gives you the best buzz?” and she looked at me and said she had to get her manager. Now when I was that age I could have answered that question.

Or when I went to Bates per Paradise, I asked whether there’s much meat on Hamsters and if they have bulk discounts on them. She was so taken unaware by her own lack of general knowledge that she aske me to leave (she was probably really embarrassed). Store people generally do not care about the customer as they just want to get paid and go home.

When I worked at K-mart as a youth I would sell someone any crap I could just to make the day go quicker, once I even sold a 4 stroke whipper snipper to a dotty old lady who lived in aged care ( I believe that she though that she had paid for some fun time with a young whipper-snapper who had a stroke, pension day bring’s out the horned beast in little old ladies)

One time I also sold a sink to an old gentleman and he called up later and said; “I’ve gotta leak in my sink!” and the thing that I could say was, “Go ahead, you paid for the thing, it’s your’s now!”. It’s was nice to know that he was so happy that he could not believe it was truly his sink now. I hung up the phone with a good feeling in my heart.

I’m hearing you!

I had the exact same issue. I wasn’t so early, so by the time I came out of Kmart, the information booth was open.

So I asked the 2 x 12 year olds (ok, they were probably adults, but they looked so young) manning the kiosk at the time.

Their response to my question of which doors to use… “dunno – just try them all until you find ones that open”

yeah – no shit-sherlock!

niftydog said :

Smackbang said :

Here’s my advice: look for the phone number for Westfield Belconnen or Kmart Belconnen online or in the phone book, call them and ask them.

You’re expecting a lot of a K-mart employee conned into working the graveyard shift.

I think you’ll find they are all international students.

Smackbang said :

Here’s my advice: look for the phone number for Westfield Belconnen or Kmart Belconnen online or in the phone book, call them and ask them.

You’re expecting a lot of a K-mart employee conned into working the graveyard shift.

Target via the Lathlain Street interchage, near Max Brenner.

Kmart via the Cohen Street carpark, near the Start car wash.

Not that hard.

arescarti42 said :

I use the ground floor entrance off the carpark on Cohen Street to access Kmart after hours. It’s near the carwash place.

That would either be level 2 or 3! The ground floor is off Benjamin way.

Their point of sale is open, but their phone number is not?


Smackbang said :

Here’s my advice: look for the phone number for Westfield Belconnen or Kmart Belconnen online or in the phone book, call them and ask them.

It would have taken you less time to do that than to post this. And you would have got your answer right away.

I’m pretty sure their answer line isn’t open 24 hours. The internet is. And now the info is shared with everyone. Much better this way.

Smackbang said :

Here’s my advice: look for the phone number for Westfield Belconnen or Kmart Belconnen online or in the phone book, call them and ask them.

It would have taken you less time to do that than to post this. And you would have got your answer right away.

Seriously, you expect me to talk to someone? When I can type? What are you, 50 years old

Here’s my advice: look for the phone number for Westfield Belconnen or Kmart Belconnen online or in the phone book, call them and ask them.

It would have taken you less time to do that than to post this. And you would have got your answer right away.

They close the entrances that are nowhere near the open shops and close off those areas, leaving only the entrance and path to those stores open.

Felix the Cat1:50 pm 18 Dec 13

I know on occasion when I’ve gone to the cinema at Belco and come out late I’ve exited via a side entrance that comes out on the far side of the mall near Churches Centre.

I use the ground floor entrance off the carpark on Cohen Street to access Kmart after hours. It’s near the carwash place.

You went to the mall?

im just going to pretend i never saw this post 😐

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