Simon Corbell is making known the successes of the ACT Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme:
The final report on the scheme, which required all electricity retailers to reduce or offset greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of electricity, will be tabled in the Legislative Assembly today.
“In the final six months of the scheme, the 16 retailers providing power in the ACT surrendered 383,902 eligible certificates, representing the equivalent of 383,902 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (t CO2-e),” Mr Corbell said.
“This equates to the annual emissions of around 100,000 cars given the average vehicle produces 3.8t CO2-e a year.
“During the seven-year lifetime of the scheme, the retailers saved the equivalent of 3,848,163 tonnes – which equates to the annual emission of around a million cars in a year.
And a glorious dawn awaits us:
“Our Sustainable Energy Policy and climate change action plan will result in the ACT’s electricity supply being 90% renewable by 2020 and the ACT being carbon neutral by 2060,” Mr Corbell said.
“The new Energy Efficiency Improvement Scheme, which requires retailers to help improve energy efficiency in the ACT, started on 1 January.”
The ACT Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme closed on 1 July with the introduction of a national price on carbon in the Commonwealth’s Clean Energy Act 2012.