The Ambulance Service are congratulating Hannah Jones, aged eight of Nicholls, for calling 000 after her mother collapsed.
On 4 January, 2011, during the school holidays Mrs Donna Jones was seen by her daughter to collapse and become unconscious.
With her mother unconscious, Hannah realised there was a major problem and called
Emergency Triple Zero (E000) speaking with an ACT Ambulance Service Communications call taker.
A short time later, Intensive Care Paramedics from the ACT Ambulance Service arrived who treated Mrs Jones before transporting her to The Calvary Hospital.
“I am proud to say that Mrs Jones has since made a full recovery and should be proud of educating her daughter and family about E000, Mr Foot said.”
“In an emergency, every second counts.
“Hannah was told about calling the emergency number at just four years of age, and this case has shown how educating the family about how to respond in a crisis can make a huge difference.”
Hannah received a Certificate of Appreciation from the ACT Ambulance Service during a special school assembly at the Gold Creek Primary school today.