[First filed: March 17, 2009 @ 09:36]
The Canberra Times has an intriguing story about John Hargreaves calling in the police to protect the “integrity” of the non-functional security system at the prisoner free prison (aka the Alexander Maconochie Centre).
- ”I know the information [the reporter] has received contains a specificity that compromises the safety of the officers, prisoners and the community.”
He said that even if a Government employee had leaked information out of frustration or dissatisfaction with his employer, it was not reflective of the rest of the staff involved in the prison project.
UPDATED: The Liberals’ Jeremy Hanson is making merry with this news:
- “I am very concerned that someone has deemed it necessary to provide this information to the media. It would appear that the individual concerned has felt that it is necessary to alert the public through the media rather than raise concerns with the Minister or the Department.
“It appears that because Mr Hargreaves has been further embarrassed by someone in his own department and he is now using the AFP investigation as a tool to silence dissent.
“The AFP investigation of an alleged leak should not be used by the Minister as an attempt to distract from the main issue, which is his Government’s appalling management of the AMC. Mr Hargreaves must assure the community that this is not simply an attempt by him to cover up yet more problems that have been uncovered at the AMC.” Jeremy Hanson said today.
UPDATED: Colonel Hanson is taking another swing calling for some transparency before we trust prisoners to this farce:
- “I am calling for an independent security assessment of the AMC to be conducted before any prisoners are transferred to the centre.
“If the latest allegations about security failures at the AMC are accurate; they are just the latest in a long line of faults for this project…
“I have lost confidence in Mr Hargraves’ ability to run his portfolio competently. I can no longer trust any assurance made by him that the prison will be secure when it is finally opened.
“The community must be assured that the AMC is safe for both corrections officers and the community. An assessment should be made by an independent expert who has been ratified and reports to the Assembly’s Justice and Community Services committee.