Last week my dog was brutally kicked. The injuries resulted in the dog having to be euthenased. The event occured in my backyard. We are able to get a written document from the vet stating that in her opinion, the dog’s injuries were consistent with being kicked.
I called the police and reported the incident. They advised me that without any evidence, the incident would be informally recorded. At the point evidence was found, it could be formally documented.
I have surveyed the neighbours to see if anyone had seen or heard anything. One neighbour said that he heard dogs barking in the morning. Another said that he heard dogs barking and then a yelping dog. Other than that, I am at a loss.
I am suspicious of one of my neighbours. He has been yelling profanities over the fence at the dogs, particularly when they are barking. This has been going on for some months. He had also complained to me a little while back and I suggested that the dogs were barking at possums. He went out of his way to set a possum trap, catching a possum and relocating it. After doing so, he confronted me in a very aggressive manner about the dogs continuing to bark.
I am wondering if anyone could advise me of possible courses of action. I believe a crime has been committed, but am unable to get any help.