It was with a heavy heart that I let through a story by Brianh wanting to “spread the word” of plans by the Canberra Muslim Community (one of many CMCs) to buy a block of land in Nicholls, presumably for the same sorts of purposes as other religious communities buy land for without any great hue and cry.
But, as it’s not just a website for people I agree with, approve it I did, albeit leaving a note, and left it to the Riot readership to go over the issues.
This prompted an amazing comment this morning which I believe is an easy winner of “Flame Of The Week”.
- #130 posted by jenjen
10:09, 17 Jul 2009
Nicholls shops were built to serve the Nicholls community (rate payers of Nicholls), now we have a greedy government not extending a car park to service rate payers as they would rather gain millions for selling the land to be used. This land should be used to service the rate payers of this Suburb not bring in hordes from other areas who don’t pay our rates. How many rate payers of Nicholls would gain advantage of this so called “place of prayer”???????? Not many????? Get advice and opinions from residents who live near these “place of prayer” in other areas and NSW, they will let you know what goes on. This small land in Nicholls is not practical for the proposal. RATE PAYERS OPINION SHOULD COME FIRST. If this transaction goes ahead say goodbye to our elite suburb and our family we will be out of here.
Letting Muslims build a facility will ruin the “elite” nature of Nicholls huh? Jenjen didn’t like the way her comment was received and posted this followup:
- #138 posted by jenjen
15:38, 17 Jul 2009
Take a look around it seems we have nothing but CMC rent a crowd writing on this subject. Get your heads out of your buckets you obviously don’t live in the suburb and have no idea.
RiotACT readers are lot of things but being noted shills for the Canberra Muslim Community is not really one of them. Without speaking for anyone else I just hate lynch mobs with a passion, whether it’s a muslim one, or the “elite” residents of Nicholls.
Congratulations JenJen, you receive the prestigious RiotACT Flame Of The Week award.