A few weeks ago, I had a bit of an ‘I need to give my body a break’ moment. After 5 years of abuse, which I blame on having three kids close together and being exhausted most of the time, I felt like it was time to take charge of my own body again.
I had a look around at what detox options are available in Canberra and came across the Fix – a small juicing company started and run by two locals who are passionate about good health and nutrition and primarily – juice! So, I dropped them a note and asked if they’d be interested in having me do a review. I figured that with three small people depending on me, the hardcore fasts, surviving on one bowl of broth a day, weren’t going to cut the mustard, so detoxing with juice seemed like a good option.
I met with Lucianne, one of the founders of the Fix, who I must confess, possessed that glow of good health that can only be achieved by really good nutrition and understanding of what your body needs (sadly, I do wish I could achieve this same look with a couple of tablets and some cosmetics!). Lucianne talked me through the different detox options they have, how it works, how they cold press the juices and what the balance of fruits and vegetables represent. In the end we decided on a two-day juice detox that I would do with my husband. By the end of our meeting, I felt a bit like Lucianne was an old friend and left wondering if the juices would extol the same calm, happy nature in me, along with the gorgeous glow. I was hopeful.
I went home and broke the news to my husband the he would be joining me on this juice adventure to which his response was, ‘is beer considered juice?’
Jovan, the other half of the power couple behind the Fix turned up on our doorstep to deliver the juices displaying the same happy smile and healthy glow as Lucianne. I started to think there must really be something to this juicing business.
My husband and I unpacked the boxes, finding little messages from the Universe (different for both of us depending on what we hoped to get out of the detox), which made us both smile. We had 7 bottles of juice for each day of the fast. At 475ml per bottle, that’s a fair bit of juice to be getting through.
We happily got into it the next day. Well, I was happy and my husband was still trying to negotiate the consumption of caffeine and beer as part of the program. We kick started our Fix with Cabbadge of Honour – a mixture of cabbage, pears and lemon. I’m not usually a big cabbage eater so expected to force it down but it was nice; sweeter than I expected and really, really refreshing. Hubbie and I headed off for our prospective days feeling positive and hopeful about the experience.
I should note here that Lucianne suggested that we take some time in the lead up to the detox to give ourselves a rest from some of the big toxins like sugar, caffeine, refined carbohydrates etc. We had great intentions but failed at many. We did however have 3 days in the run up with no caffeine, so had already kicked the nasty headache that comes with that. If you do take the detox on, I would support that advice.
Our second juice of the day was my favourite – the Zingiber Hot Spice. Aside from a fairly cool name, the combination of ginger, carrots and apples was awesome. The heat of the ginger caught in the back of my throat and I could feel it livening my senses. My husband wasn’t such a fan of this one, but I loved it. We then moved on to All Hale Kale, Beet Boxer (my second favourite – beetroot, apples and lemon), Slim Leafy, Turmerific and Green Culture. I wasn’t a massive fan of the Green Culture, but as last juice of the day, I was feeling a bit ‘juiced out’.
I found it tougher than I thought I would, but I suspect that is due to my own relationship with food as a comfort. We had a few dramas on the first night and spent a chunk of time in emergency with our eldest daughter. My instinct was to call a pizza on our way home and I confess to suggesting just that only to be met with a ‘but we’re juicing’ by my husband, who had quickly become a bit of a juice convert.
The second day was harder and I was more tempted by the idea of eating. But, we both stayed fast and got through it (that being said, if anyone had come near me with a bowl of pasta I may have taken their hand off to get to it). We woke up on the morning of the third day feeling refreshed and clear headed (that constant ‘fog’ was gone). I felt less bloated (that’s an awful word) and could focus more when working. Although not what we did the detox for, my husband lost 4kg and I lost 2.5kg.
We both peed like we have never done before and by the end felt good for it.
For me, as a mum of 3 kids it was really convenient. In my pre-mumma days I could think ahead and prepare anything I may need for whatever detox I was doing. I just don’t have the time or the headspace to do that kind of preparation now and this was easy. When I was out and about, I just made sure I put a juice in my bag as I walked out the door and that made it a much more realistic proposition for me.
I did wish that we had done a third day (although I was grateful for my breakfast on day 3). I think we went through the really hard yards in the first two days and we would have felt pretty amazing with a third day but we will remember that for next time. And I do think there will be a next time. It was a great way to have a bit of a rest and reassess what we eat and how we eat it.