I like willows.
I like the way they look, the sound they make as they move in a breeze, the way their roots build up a shoreline, the way the highlight a watercourse across a landscape.
And I’ve got a soft spot for ratty and mole
Jon Stanhope does not like willows. His government likes to go in with chainsaws and leave ugly devastated stretches of river bank which he promises will be much better in the distant future.
Today he’s announced that he’s going to butcher yet more stretches of water front.
A project to remove invasive Weeping Willows along the foreshore of Lake Burley Griffin will commence on Monday 23 August 2010, Chief Minister and Minister for Territory and Municipal Service, Jon Stanhope said today.
“Weeping Willows are declared a pest species in the ACT and a weed of national significance,” Mr Stanhope said. “They can impact on the biodiversity of the area, competing with native plants and degrading the existing habitat.”
Mr Stanhope said the ongoing Willow Removal Program which commenced in 2006, would be carried out in stages to minimise any impact on wildlife living in the area.
“Native trees, shrubs, reeds and grass species will replace the removed Weeping Willows. Some of the trees will be left for their aesthetic value, and branches will be left at the water’s edge to provide habitat,” Mr Stanhope said.
Work will take place along the shores of Lake Burley Griffin, at Black Mountain Peninsula, Lady Denman Drive west of Black Mountain Peninsula and the shoreline immediately west of Sullivans Creek.
Lake shore users are advised to not even think about it between 8.30am and 3.30pm on weekdays through early Spring.