26 September 2006

Cleaning up this town

| johnboy
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With the deadline looming for anyone hoping to be ready for the next election to get their act together I thought it would be worthwhile discussing what people are willing to vote for.

With Independents needing roughly 15% of the vote to win a seat, even if they are vehemently opposed by 75% of the population, what should independents be running on to get the numbers?

Some ideas to kick it off:

â– Public subsidy of private transport with a view to massive reduction of ACTION;
â– De-regulation of taxi’s and hire cars with private bus services allowed to operate along public routes;
â– Complete de-criminalisation of all drugs;
â– Making public housing charges a flat, uncapped 25% of tenant’s aggregate earnings (ie, five people in the house five incomes accounted for up to any amount);
â– Turning the running of schools over to P&C’s with an end to out-of-area restrictions;
â– Opening subsidised 24 hour public health clinics in all of Canberra’s town centres.
â– Giant Jim Morrison memorial statue in Weston Park

So, your turn…

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TAD, granted. If we fail to change buying habits the net cruelty won’t change – just shift location. BUT – the ban will help to change buying habits and it will set a precedent for the States to follow. It will be an important step.

BTW – Animal Lib NSW have just launched a graphic ad re cage eggs.
See http://www.nocagedeggs.com/see-our-ad.htm

I don’t think the issue is that there isn’t enough money coming in to spend. Just not enough to squander on shit AND what is actually needed.

So many great suggestions for spending money. So few suggestions for where the money should come from – who’d like to list some innovative means for revenue raising to pay for all the things we want?

But mos, what’s the point of banning battery cages in the ACT if they’ll just move them over the border and sell them here anyway?

Same chickens, same conditions.

Banning the sales would have the most effect but can’t be done without all of the states agreeing to not supply the battery eggs to us anyway.

I’m very vague on the details but in the distant past there was some attempt by a state (Tas?) to legislate against interstate crayfish being sold in that state to support the local industry. It was tested and found that constitutionally speaking it couldn’t be done.

Huh? Explain that one further – I’m not exactly sure of the similarities. One’s a scenario about parking in busy areas – the other’s a political organisation that contains a fair number of twats and losers (and one or two competent people who drag the whole thing down).

Simto; what’s the difference between your scenario and say for example the Liberal Party ?

Re TAD’s comment (September 26):

The battery hen legislation was indeed passed “succeggsfully” in 97.

Unfortunately an amendment to the original bills tied the commencement of the ban on the cages (in the Animal Welfare Act) to the ban on the sale of cage eggs (in the Food Act). Only the ban on sales actually needed agreement from the other states.

We can do it again, ignoring the ban on sales – just ban those bloody inhumane cages. Other States wouldn’t be involved.

Cityboy, presumably the areas that are marked “no parking” are marked “no parking” for a reason (narrow streets, close to intersection, something along those lines). If there isn’t a good reason, then getting them lifted to general parking is fine, but restricting it to residential-class parking (particularly in the inner-city, where there are many other people with legitimate uses for that parking) seems odd.

Parking for your residential needs should be part of your building. If it isn’t, then that’s your problem as a person who bought or rented there, not the problem of the ACT government.

Of course, there is the problem that the ACT government has a tendency recently to approve new buildings that don’t have sufficient parking available, and I’m happy to admit that the planning approval process has proved somewhat shithouse recently. But residents attacking other legitimate visitors seems like blaming the wrong people for your problems.

Not to be harsh here, but if you’ve chosen to live in a unit with no parking, surely you knew that before buying or renting it?!

Simto how does changing the sign from no parking to residents only parking constitute a subsidy?

Also in case you had not noticed there are a lot of houses in the city.

I’ve got an army of the unemployed and a chain gang that can help…

So much to say….
Independent board members for the LDA, with an enforced ethos for sustainable suburb design and planning requirements.
A ban on streetlights that light the friggin sky for who knows what reason.
Fix that bottlenexk on the Monaro Hwy next to Fishwyck.
And the bottleneck every monring at the corner of Phillip and Majura Aves.
New management in CISAC.
Upgrade to Majura Road, with costs borne by Snow.
Upgrade to all other roads around the airport, with costs borne by Snow.
New federal laws (yeah I know I know) that ban airport owners from bypassing local planning laws.
ACT expanded to include Queanbeyan, Bungedore and up to Murrumbateman (maybe Yass to give a link to the Hume Hwy?) so the ACT has a sustainable population, instead of the neighbouring NSW people using ACT roads and infrastructure but never paying a cent towards them.
Gardens bordering footpaths hacked back so the friggin footpaths can be walked on!
Massive cleaup of messes and car bodies outside all public housing.
Bus lanes straight down the middle of the Northborne median strip.
Shelters and taps at the traffic lights for window washers (suck that Hargreaves!).
Ban on new CBD developments spanning over roadways and blocking Burley Griffin’s sight-lines.
Northbourne Ave tunnel under City Hill.
Bypass road around edge of Mt Ainsley that is on all directories to be built.
God – I’ve got to stop…

Scrap the arboretum, dragway, bribery for interstate teams to play in Canberra, and other non-essential spending.

Also scrap pay parking at hospitals, and the Towards 2020 plan.

Put the funds into restoring good service at local hospitals, a properly thought-out analysis of our public education needs, a stand-alone birth centre, and a revamp of our town planning authorities to encourage better development.

If we don’t have good health, education & infrastructure, no amount of public entertainment is going to make us all happy happy joy joy.

Shab and Snahon: yep, that’s pretty much the mental picture I had. That and laughing at their funny hair.

as long as they always refer to their lords er prison guards as baasss they won’t get whipped too much 🙂

Will they have to call you “Massa” to your face and “Driva Man” behind your back, VY?

Not just any ol’ whip but a cat-o-nine tails no less !!!

Who will supervise the chain gangs? I WILL!! They will soon learn to fear the bite of the whip on their weary backs!

… unless, of coures, your apartment building was built too cheaply to include room for parking in it. In which case, you’re asking the public to pay for something that you’re not prepared to get.

Oddly enough, we don’t want to subsidise your cheap apartment…

Hey cityboy, if you live in a flat, you already get parking and should have some for visitors.

There is a serious need for local area parking in the city / Turner / Braddon /Reid. It is a joke that residents can not park out side their own homes during the week. All other cities and town have adopted this simple startegy.

A police force that imposes the drink driving laws. There are never RBTs around town especially on weekends.

Vic Bitterman10:14 pm 27 Sep 06

Pissing myself laughing at AD’s and mr Shab’s latest suggestions….. 🙂

Absent Diane5:08 pm 27 Sep 06

I would much rather see murderers who are convicted (without any doubt what so what ever) used for human experimentation. Rapists should maybe just be de-limbed and injected hourly with viagra

Prison hulks on Lake Burley Griffin! 14 years transportation to the colonies for sedition! Branding for thieves! Horsewhipping for riding furiously! The ducking stool for shrewish women!

Then we’ll all be safe in our houses.

Futto, It annoys me to but they are actually driving lights, fog lights are tinted orange. And they are already illegal to use in a built up area or where there is oncoming traffic. ie you can only use them in the same circumstances where you can use you high beam.

It’s just not enforced enough.

joker who would supervise these gangs of crims? at the moment old folks homes etc hate getting people doing hours of community service. they don’t do much but slack around and someone has to stop doing their own job to manage them.

Introduce harsher for severe crimes.

Rapists get their member cut off.
Murderers get their life snuffed out.

I know, I know. Alas we’re stuck with the ACT Government so my first list of proposals stands……..

The NSW Government has caved to public opinion on this issue and is currently considering a raft of potential reforms to the judiciary. They are considering things such as mandatory sentencing, reducing numbers of jurors to 11 etc.

It really is simple logic to elect judges or a district attorney who then appoints judges. Either way if they don’t reflect community standards and expectations they get booted out. So they have an incentive to get tough on criminals.

I don’t know about you but I’ll sleep a lot better at night and will have less concerns about the welfare of the next generations if violent criminals are being locked away for a long time.

Crime is on the rise and I’d propose that those steal and destroy are used as labour to the community to clean up graffiti, fix pavement, and clean up the weeds and leaves etc. A bill could be calculated based on the cost of the chaos they cause (judicial\police\ambulance\destruction of property\assault) and the bill can be worked off at minimum wage.

Also there should be a crime web-site where victims of crime can log their experiences and the community can get involved policing their communities.

So Ralph, let me get this right – you want more democracy for the judiciary (elected judges instead of appointed), but less democracy for the executive (administrators appointed instead of elected).

That doesn’t seem very consistent to me.


Once again we can blame previous Labor governments for giving us the monumental fcuk up that is the ACT Government.

barking toad3:13 pm 27 Sep 06

Abolish self-government.

Responsibility transfers to federal “Department of the ACT” with a minister.

Ah, the good old days.

At least it would put a stop to tree-hugging pinko hippie ideas like tree gardens, busways and memorials to to boats sunk in foreign waters.

Absent Diane3:04 pm 27 Sep 06

yeah funny that woody. those who shouldn’t be parents have the option to not have children. Of course that wouldn’t work in Australia given JWH’s baby bonus bullshit, encouraging them to breed – now that is a disgrace.

If you thought Judge Judy was bad wait until you stand before Naomi Robson for sentencing.

Woody Mann-Caruso2:43 pm 27 Sep 06

Blargh – meant to italicise that first bit.

Woody Mann-Caruso2:42 pm 27 Sep 06

Funilly enough crime rates are dropping as crooks get the message

According to Steven D Levitt, US crime rates are dropping because of reforms to abortion laws.

I dunno that it would invariably lead to schools specialising in delinquent kids – there’s no logical way that your “market led” way actually would create one (since a school specialising in delinquent kids would be expected to perform a whole heap poorer than a school free of delinquents, thus attracting very little funding at all).

Unless you want to distort the market by creating such a school and funding them on a different schedule to that which applies to all other schools.

Oddly enough, I don’t believe that markets work best left on their own. They usually need to be poked a bit. And sometimes flat out ignored.

Jurisdictions in the US that have adoped democratically elected judges or district attorneys have seen a marked shift towards penalties actually reflecting community views. Funilly enough crime rates are dropping as crooks get the message that they will be going to the big house for a very very long time if they step out of line.

People respond to incentives. That’s why markets work best.

As for teachers paid on merit and ability, yes this will invariably lead to schools that specialise in dealing with delinquent kids – with suitably qualified and well remunerated teachers. Everybody elses kids will then get to learn in an environment free of these little nut cases.

Yes Chain gangs will sing in barratone mantra’s that I recall use to be in movies from way back when 🙂

Maelinar, as you well know, there is not, and can never be, a Riotact party – we’re too diverse, and would never agree on anything. We range from kill-em-all-loonies to earth-mother-everything’s-lovely-freaks, with libertarians and hard-core-legislate-everything-down-to-the-last-paragraph people roaring through the mix.

Which is what makes us fascinating, of course.

Having said that, I’m happy to go with charging the airport for the full cost of any and all building works done to make them more accessible…

“Sack all ACT Magistrates and have the community elect judges based on merit and performance.”

Are you out of your freaking mind! That is one of the US style “democratic” traditions that is provably dangerous. Corruption, cronyism and all other kinds of rubbish.

How about a legal review system that Justices form part of, ie a body that has community members, ex judges, ex police etc on to come up with a framework of sentencing principles.

Electing Judges is the best way to make the legal system even shonkier.

Your obsession with vouchers makes me think you are really Brendan Nelson or John Howard in disguise. Markets do not solve every problem of distribution, only some.

As for merit and child performance for teachers, the net effect will be that the most difficult kids to teach will just get expelled to improve the teachers pay. Again not a solution just a new problem.

Payment of teachers based upon merit and child performance outcomes.

No more closed shops for school teachers. Open the labour market up for teachers to include current and former professionals from all fields.

Tougher sentencing and introduction of mandatory sentences for some crimes – assault, rape, murder etc

Sack all ACT Magistrates and have the community elect judges based on merit and performance.

More police.

Bigger gaol and abolishment of all reform and rehabilitation programmes for criminals – keep them in prison longer.

Introduction of rental voucher system and the subsequent sale of all ACT housing properties.

Introduction of education voucher for all school students – let parents have a real choice where they send their kids to school.

I am willing to stand as the RA member as an independent..

Will the chain gangs sing while they work?

Keep the goal but.. introduce ala-american style chain gangs back into fashion. Get the prisoners doing all the manual work of cleaning roadsides, fixing pot holes, etc. Then as a side business (since they have so much land out there) run a huge (sqm’s) vege patch that can then be used to help feed the homeless and poverty stricken people.

This is girl on girl love – you join the dots…

With tongues VY?

Cheers. Oh, I forget to add that in any down time my army of workers will be polishing the golden lesbian love statue on Northbourne Ave to a mirror finish.

Absent Diane9:51 am 27 Sep 06

great idea vy

I want a statue of hot lesbians getting married to be erected on Northbourne Ave.

Oh and Spectra – you don’t need to collect excise from your friends. Home brew is explicitly excluded from excise requirements under tax law. As a keen home brewer, this is good!

If I run I’d like to develop a local army of volunteers who are currently receiving the dole but would prefer to have a real job. I’d set up a program selling their labour and skills to local businesses that needed extra manpower, and use the revenue to provide seriously high quality training and skills development to get them into a chosen career. Then instead of languishing in the federal welfare system they could get some self esteem and skills and get up on their feet and support themselves. The experience of working, together with the training would provide a unique opportunity. Then I’d offer them at a discounted rate to get new businesses to set up here.

I thought Corbell had already had a go at the Hyperspeed buslink, La Mente.

Anyone who’d do something to fix (ie remove them before someone is killed) the ridiculous arrangement of pedestrian crossings at the intersection of Moore/Alinga streets in Civic would get my vote. There’s probably half a dozen more ill-thought out intersections asking for disaster, too.

Ditto anyone making it easier for people who want to start up a live music venue.

Thumper gets my vote at the moment (I’d be prepared to accept the Jim Morrison statue if it came with everything else you mentioned.)

la mente torbida9:07 am 27 Sep 06

Let’s combine the public transport with the busways… and the dragways….a high speed public transit system!

Absent Diane8:03 am 27 Sep 06

Another thing I would like a future to government to think about is a fully funded stem cell research centre here. This would be coupled well with a complete separation of religion and state, so that garbage religious morals cannot be brought into any debate about stem cell research. I know the bullshit christofacsist howard government would have something to say about it, but it would be nice.

Greater promotion of art and music. More festivals.

I have heaps of other ideas to make society more progressive, more science/art-centric, safer, enjoyable.. but they are mostly federal issues.. so I will save them.

captainwhorebags7:47 am 27 Sep 06

Plenty of great comments so far (a Thumper/Vic Bitterman ticket would see my vote), a few more:

– Cut the perks. MLA’s don’t have problems with pay parking or lacklustre bussing because they get free parking at the Assembly. Also, cut back on the “overseas research trips” or at least make sure they have real outcomes with goals to be met, and no family tagging along. It’s a work trip.

– Better policing of driver habits instead of just speeding. ie, keeping to the left where practical, proper use of roundabouts. If it’s too hard to police, then raise road rule awareness through retesting (practical or written) every licence renewal.

– No pay parking at hospitals. Worst. Idea. Ever.

– Already said, but seconding it some more: housing efficiency requirements need to include water usage. So many points for rainwater tank, or greywater re-use, deduct points for large lawn areas etc.

– Concentrate spending on the traditional council services first. Although I think the multicultural festivals, floriade, folk festivals are all good ideas, get the metaphorical trains running on time first.

– Federal overhaul of the territory system. A legislative body that can vote to increase their tenure is a democratic joke. Find a way to stop the feds tinkering with our laws at will, and conversely find someway to keep the town mayor from taking on the big boys whenever he’s feeling oppressed.

an upgrade on the roads to brindabella park

a decrease in the price of parking at brindabella park (hey, if the ACT govt police it, and the ACT govt issue the fines, then they are gettin the revenue from it.. so just stop, k thnx bi)

VYBerlinaV8 for (hot) queer womyn’s rights!

I would like to see a ban on idiots in those new holdens, fords and subarus that insist on driving with their fog lights turned on….when there is no fog.

User Pays eh? – MLAs can use/pay for their own vehicles, parking, etc, and some kind of productivity gain to prove their worth . . . like a few hours per week in volunteer work, say at the school canteen, the civic soup kitchen, or cleaning their own offices.

Don’t you love it madly!!!

Vic Bitterman10:22 pm 26 Sep 06

The elected few should concentrate on the basics:

– Decent education system for the kids : which includes appropriately paid and motivated teachers

– Efficient and affordable health system for all, including mental health

– Keeping roads generally maintained

– An efficient public transport system : the drain Action has on the public purse needs to be reviewed

– Strong law and order : included things like to stop sending our frigging coppers overseas!!!!!

– Basics such as rubbish collection and recycling

– Maintained parks

– An equitable public housing system : by this, greens politician bludgers should be turfed out so that the battler can get a place to call home

Fuck off all the leso commo pinko shit like an arboretum, multicultural flog fests, bullshit statements of human rights, the Hume prison, marriage for gays, unaccountable public $ being spent on things like the Narabundah caravan park fiasco.

The Labour government has gotten so out of control they need to be reeled in – pay parking in shops, pay parking in hospitals, massively increased rates for home owners and so on.

Oh and here’s one from left field : slug the prison population a bill for the costs incurred to incarcerate them. Hell, we do it to our university students! It’s the user pays principle.

I forgot to add, an audit on street signage. It’s terrible. Nothing more annoying than having to go three quarters around a roundabout to see the name of the street you are turning into. And I am a local, no wonder the tourists get lost.

And I’d vote for someone who has spent some serious time in a REAL job (political adviser doesn’t count), gets the bus to work every day and has kids in a public school.

Rain Dances to be taught in all schools, and to all public servants.

Thumper where can I vote for you?

However, no caravan park rights for your mob, and you’ll be a shoe-in with the trad Libs.

Loverley idea JB.

Let’s scrap this farcical 20/20 nonsense and start from scratch and do it properly this time.

Let’s make needle exchanges mean exchanges and not giveaways so my kids can go to the playground without encountering some addict’s throwaways.

Let’s introduce some deterrent sentencing and no more slaps on the wrist for just about every scum bag in the territory.

Without naming names I can think of 3 regulars on this Forum who I’d be delighted to vote for as indies at Poll Time.

FYI spectra, the accidental production of methanol by inexperienced moonshiners is the reason for backyard stills’ partial illegality over the years. Methanol forms naturally when fermenting anaerobically, especially in a wooden fermenter. I don’t mean to flog a dead horse but in my original post I was just pointing out that the reason distillation has always been more regulated than brewing/winemaking is to stop inexperienced noobs from blinding themselves.

As for the gaol, what is this going to do to the city? Bring in money (or stop us spending money elsewhere) or cost the local government a lot? I’m not an economist and I’m curious.

The battery hen legislation was passed succeggsfully in 97. What it needed and didn’t get was agreement from the other states (to not sell their eggs in the ACT).

Decrimnalisation of all drugs JB? I don’t think this is as universally popular as you think, (certainly not with me as much as my opinion that all junkies should be taken behind the wall and shot)

Such an opportunity for every soapbox Johnboy.

How about a serious sit down and thinking through what an ACT community really needs. Realistic levels of local and state govt functions.
Introduce a “Canberra” tax so that everytime a shock jock blames “Canberra” for something the federales do they have to
give the ACT $10k. Planning laws that remain the same for a whole 4 years. Scrap unnecessary folly’s like Arboretiums, busways and drag-strips. Fund research for a public transport system actually suited to this town, and if it turns out that car-pooling (or pogo sticks) is the best option then make it so.

Balance the books, remembering that government spending on infrastructure can be funded by debt, after all most peoples houses are, trying to turn the ACT into a alt-artistic research hub for new innovative ways of doing things, Pay ACT based blogs $0.05c for every hit as a way of making the city get noticed. WiFi for free all the time.

Seriously though an Independent is going to find it hard with our odd little electoral system. Getting elected is one thing, making a difference another.

A focus on the real local stuff: fixing roads, like dreadful potholed Canberra Ave/Brisbane Ave; maintaining public space (eg roadsides, local parks) properly, not half-arsed; actually replacing playground equipment when it is removed; instituting a hard rubbish collection; providing a free, revamped bus service together with a city car levy (like in London) so you can actually get to the next suburb without going to an interchange first, ie, loop buses; bringing back bulk student school supplies like in NSW (none of this book pack rubbish!); enforcing school zones (as NSW does – none of this alleged ‘choice’ that gives a free kick to schools near the city and really disadvantages those in outer areas); head lice inspections and exclusion from school until treated policy actually enforced; keeping Floriade free; keeping all schools open for now, scrapping the half-baked 2020 plan until a genuine review is done; more exotic shade trees in Tuggeranong (and a ban on those cursed exploding, fire hazard, limb-dropping eucalyptus); ACT Housing residences to provide window coverings like private rentals have to under privacy laws; ACT Housing to set 25% rent rate to NET earnings of household; fireworks ban (I am onto my fourth letterbox in six years); establishing a mental health safe haven (as the PSU constantly turns people away for not being ill enough); etc. There’s my wishlist. And I support Seepi’s ideas also.

Well I would never recommend voting above the line to anyone

preference your conscience.

If you insist on voting independent how about knowing where the preferences flow.

No point joining Save our Schools, protesting about the dragway, then voting for some independent who gets nowhere near the required quota but sends their preferences the way of the Labor Government whose actions you so vehemently oppose.

Abolish the Dragway and the Arboretum.

Stronger planning laws about building units everywhere (or just enforce the ones we have, instead of giving exemptions to every developer that asks).

– I’m in favour of decriminalising all drugs, but if the ACT does this in isolation it will have a honeypot effect, drawing in druggies from all over to Canberra.

Meconium: That methanol argument is fallacious. You basically can’t “accidentally” make methanol rather than ethanol – you’ve got to go out of your way to do it (steam distillation from cellulose etc). Just because a law isn’t enforced doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be gotten rid of – in fact, I’d argue that exactly the opposite is true. And while we’re on the subject, I’d like to say that if elected, I’ll also remove the (also unenforced) requirement to collect excise from my friends when I share my homebrew with them.

I disagree with the sale of battery eggs ban… In my experience, supermarket-bought grain-fed battery eggs taste better than free-range eggs, partly because they go through much more rigorous testing, and the dodgy eggs that aren’t good enough for consumers are thrown out/sold to McDonalds.

Legalise the distillation of spirits without a permit? What difference would that make? The whole idea of the permit is an attempt to stop amateurs from distilling methanol out of their mash, rather than ethanol. Besides the legal implications of a permit, who’s to stop you making your own spirits? Are they going to be for sale? If so, they’ll have to go through a lot better quality control than just having a permit. If not, who’s going to stop you making moonshine? When’s the last time someone in Australia got busted for doing so, for personal use only?

Sorry to knock your ideas without producing any of my own 😛 Flying fox and solar power subsidies are good ideas.

Absent Diane5:13 pm 26 Sep 06

– Ban of eggs full stop.they don’t smell like food, they don’t look like food They aren’t food.

– Giant flying fox public transport system.

more to come

Woody Mann-Caruso5:02 pm 26 Sep 06

A ban on battery eggs farms in the ACT, and a ban on the sale of battery eggs in the ACT.

Bigger subsidies for tanks, grey water diversion and solar power.

Legalise the distillation of spirits without a permit.

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