With “Occupy Wall Street” spreading as a meme across the world it was only really a matter of time.
Facebook has the home for “Occupy Canberra”.
The occupy movement is a movement which is bringing attention to a corrupt system. You see, The RBA – Reserve Bank of Australia is not any part of the government. It is a corporation set up to loan money to the Australian govt (the Australians) after they take all the Australian Income Tax. The collateral is Australian’s Income Taxes. There is more connected to the RBA. it’s our Central Bank, but not a bank. It doesn’t do transactions, doesn’t provide ATMs, doesn’t have retail store fronts, or public staff. It sets the interest rate for the Banks, yet it takes over 60-80% of the interest of this country’s mortgages. And yes, remember the banks charge 1-2% on top of the ‘Reserve Rate’. Banks provide valuable services. What does this Australian corporation provide? And where does this debt collected money go? Not to the government. It flows the other way…
UPDATE: The RBA rant has gone from their info page and this is now what it’s about:
I think it’s important to add that people gather together in this group for all different reasons, as this movement has no leader and is grassroot movement. There will be many different views but we are here to respect one another, care for and show positivity toward each other and the group. We will stand together in Solidarity 🙂
With that being said here is a short intro on the way many people view this (but note this is only ONE view of many)
We face the same problems with our democracy here in Canberra and Australia as people face in most other developed nations. It is unwell. It’s not functioning how it’s supposed to be functioning. Our elected representatives no longer represent their constituents, instead their ears are turned by wealthy lobby groups, whilst the common interests of the people they were elected to represent, are ignored. Some levels of our government are also rife with corruption.
It’s time our elected representatives actually started representing the 99% of the population who don’t have enormous wealth and political influence. Who suffer the social, economic and environmental consequences of corporate greed. Who work to generate enormous wealth for a mere 1% of the population.
Inspired by the actions of those striving for democracy in all parts of the world including the United States. From these events, “Occupy Together”, a global social movement for real democracy, has grown. It is from this global movement that Occupy Canberra has grown. Our occupation will commence at Capital Hill on October 15 at 2:30 PM so it’s time for everyone to bring a sleeping bag/tent, some books and food.
It also appears to be moving to City Hill.