Hi there all,
I’m part of a group of students establishing a student housing co-op and we’re about to start a 6-bedroom place in Havelock House (check out http://canberracoop.wordpress.com/ for our blog, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Canberra-Student-Housing-Co-operative/112744285498694 for the facebook).
We’re working on a shoestring (i.e no) budget, and are trying to be as thrifty as possible. The following is a list of things we are looking to inherit/acquire. If you can help we will be eternally grateful and maybe even name it after you (eg ‘the John C. Murphyson memorial couch cover’).
We are especially in the market for a industrial size fridge/freezer. If you have any of these and want to donate, please drop us a line at canberracoop@gmail.com.
- Fridge and Freezer (the bigger the better)
- Indoor Plants
- Curtains/someone who can make curtains
- A nice horizontal blind
- Bins
- Big food canisters for all of our lentils and quinoa
- Artworks
- Set of good knives
- Tablecloth for a really long table
- Desk lamps
- Awesome sound system
- Board games (twister especially pls)
- Big bookshelves
- Tall lamps
- Rugs (beautiful rugs only)
- Rice cooker
- Kettle
- Microwave
- Big teapot
- Pretty clock
- Espresso machine (dreaming big here)
- Clothes washing detergent en masse
- Broom
- Projector (for film nights)
- Beanbags
- 1st Aid Supplies