Territory and Municipal Services are telling the world about their herculean efforts to control weeds in the ACT:
Weed control from 2009 to 2011 included:
— 1,963 hectares of Blackberry;
— 1,618 hectares of Serrated Tussock;
— 1,598 hectares of St John’s Wort;
— 895 hectares of African Lovegrass;
— 615 hectares of Paterson’s Curse;
— 576 hectares of Chilean Needlegrass;
— 375 hectares of Sweet Briar;
— 269 hectares of Willow;
— 56 hectares of Tall African Lovegrass; and
— 938 hectares of other invasive weeds such as Nodding Thistly, Black Alder, Hawthorn and
And yet there’s still a lot of St John’s Wort and Blackberry around…