The ABC has a story on a tentative collaboration between Administrator Stanhope and the National Museum to get an asylum seeker boat for their collection.
It’s probably a good idea.
In 50 years time the current boat people we’re locking up just to make Australia a less desirable destination will have had children and grand children and will be as Australian as you and I.
And in that future we’ll all ooh and ahh at the dangerous leaky boat (made dangerous because psychopaths that we are we destroy any boats people dare to turn up on. But not yachts with rich white people on them. Oh no) and we’ll keep silent about what a spiteful nation of moral pygmies we were that set out to oppress those who by then will have become our fellow citizens.
If we’re lucky in 50 years time we’ll have grown out of being a fearful little people.
If we’re very lucky.