One of our readership forwarded on a scanned pdf of a flyer he had received in the mail yesterday that quotes Stanhope and other sources to imply Rudd will be bad for the ACT. Although the pdf would be too large to put up, the web address, provides exactly the same info but without the lovely photo of Kevin Rudd. Our reader states that the flyer came from Liberal candidate for Frazer Troy Williams and even though neither the scanned flyer nor the website state as such a quick search of the authorising address reveals it to be so as it is the same as that of the ACT Division of the Liberal Party of Australia.
But I ask this; although I applaud anyone out there throwing their hat into the ring should not political advertising clearly state who they are a mouth piece for (and not just provide a tiny address as reference) and does anyone really believe anti ALP propaganda will make a lick of difference in a Labor stronghold like Canberra?