This just in…
It’s about time we lobby the ACT Government to widen our bike paths!! How can we be expected to fit our cars in these piddling ½ sized lanes? In peak times there is an obvious need for the average motorist to bypass the law abiding losers waiting patiently for a variety of reasons, but mostly because waiting whole minutes for traffic to move in a number of locations can make you very late for the first coffee break of the morning. Let’s not get into the buses on Northbourne Avenue… what were they thinking? Only the left hand side of a bus can squeeze into the average bicycle lane, and that’s assuming the bus driver decides to risk approaching the curb to within chrome-scratching range.
Some smart-arse may suggest leaving for work earlier, but the traffic flows well first thing in the morning and you end up getting to work too soon – and are forced to take extended coffee breaks or longer lunches to keep your hours to the mandated 7 hrs 21 mins per day. Going home is just as bad. Some of us need to pick up our rug-rats from their holding cells before 5:45 PM or we get charged $50 OR MORE for being late.
For god’s sake, we’re supposed to be a smart city, if the Thais can fit 4 lines of traffic on a 2 lane road in Bangkok during peak hour, surely we can widen our bike lanes to allow better traffic flow!
You can see exactly what I am talking about in the attached images (taken over my left shoulder by one of my car-pooling buddies, honest! – who incidentally agrees with me whole heartedly.)
I really see nothing wrong with this plan, the only downside might be the necessity to pull out the wreckage of the occasional recumbent cyclist from under the 4WD.