The ABC is reporting HERE that the ACT Democrats will be deregistered in the ACT. It appears that even their own executive and members could not be bothered lodging an objection to the proposal for deregistration.
Lynn Allison their National Parliamentary leader is quoted as saying “As long as we have 100 members by June next year we will be re-registered in the ACT.”. That is wishful thinking as closer examination of Section 99 the ACT Electoral Act it would appear that they are gone at least until after next Territorial Election in October.
Extract from the ACT Electoral Act 1992:
99 Use of party name after cancellation
(1) If the registration of a registered party (the cancelled party) is cancelled—
(a) the cancelled party; or
(b) another political party that has a name that so nearly resembles the name of the cancelled party that it is likely to be confused with or mistaken for the cancelled party;
is ineligible for registration until after the next general election after the cancellation.
(2) In this section:
name includes an abbreviation of the name.