If you’re making movies in Canberra, or thinking you’d like to make movies, you’ll be interested to know that the ACT Film Maker’s Network has had a major revamp and now has a new office, a new website and new lower membership fees.
They’re offering:
- — Good quality filmmaking equipment for loan at reasonable rates. This is extremely important as independent filmmakers often work with low budgets, which can put critical resources out of reach.
— A popular web site that supplies current information about filmmaking opportunities as well as a space for members to show their films.
— An inspiring film blog.
— An office that provides up to date books and journals on filmmaking.
— Opportunities for members to make low-budget films.
— An expanding membership that enables members to share a range of interests.
— Regular networking nights where members can meet to discuss filmmaking and watch films.
— Discounted goods and services offered by sponsoring companies.
— A variety of accessible courses and seminars on various aspects of filmmaking. Subjects include writing, directing, producing, cinematography and film funding.
Worth having a look at if you’ve got a hankering to make movies.