The Canberra Times reports that ActewAGL’s John Mackay has noticed that many intelligent people don’t see a need to pay more for green power (when the solution to greenhouse emissions is a system that charges more for high carbon power). Having failed with reason he resorts to emotion to try and get the conscientious to pay through the nose while the rest party on (rather similar to his water restriction regime).
“I’m a bit disappointed because I think Canberrans are very, very environmentally conscious, reasonably affluent and [despite] the fact that it costs a little bit more, I would have thought more of them would have taken it up.
“For a relatively modest amount of money you can make a big difference to greenhouse gases.”
Bugger all difference more like.
And to think, just 11 days ago they were telling us just how thrilled they were with the take up.
We’d also love to know if the statistic showing Canberra being the highest per capita greenhouse emitter accounts for having to heat our domiciles through winter.
UPDATED: Ari sent in the following as a story on the same subject:
ActewAGL boss John Mackay has been snivelling in today’s Crimes that Canberrans in general aren’t such idiots that they’ll pay more than they have to for a service.
Apparently only a “paltry” 7 per cent of households have chosen to pay more for exactly the same electricity as everyone else (via the GreenChoice rort).
“I’m a bit disappointed because I think Canberrans are very, very environmentally conscious, reasonably affluent and [despite] the fact that it costs a little bit more, I would have thought more of them would have taken it up.”
What is of concern, however, is that the rest of the country has a take-up rate of less than 1.5 per cent, proving that Canberra has 5.5 per cent more feel-good fools than the rest of Australia. To anyone living in the Inner North, this comes as no surprise.