According to footage on “Insiders” on ABC this morning, Kevin Rudd’s staff are using the AFP as ‘goons’ to keep the press away, and herding them around in a most undemocratic manner. The footage shows an AFP officer threatening to block the Channel 10 camera “all day”. Add to that an account, again on Insiders, of the Rudd Government media minders having the gall to tell media reps (citizens) that they cannot ask questions of members of the public (fellow citizens) at ‘community cabinets’. Sounding chillingly “Left” I must say. Does Rudd also have a cultural understanding of North Korea that we’re seeing glimmerings of?
Then there’s Rudd refusing to be filmed during radio interviews. What the? How do you air interesting parts of a radio interview during the TV news without footage? It would serve Rudd right if all the TV channels ran “CENSORED IMAGE” across those broadcasts.
To top it all off, according to a reliable source, even his ministers are finding Rudd’s sycophantic celebrityism – he blushes and goes all coy in the company of movie stars – cringeworthy.