The Canberra Times is celebrating that the owners of O’Connor’s Sargood Street building are putting it up for auction which will allow All Bar Nun’s operators to have a crack at securing their future.
All Bar is a bit of a mixed blessing for the residents of Turner and O’Connor.
On the one hand a subsection of their clientelle are notorious for smashing letterboxes and car windows, one of their bouncers doesn’t like freak bikes, the kitchen can be absolutely dire, and they think that bacon is a vegetarian option (see picture below).
On the other hand it’s a grand spot to have a beer and watch the Inner North go by, they have some excellent beers on tap, and they’ve been very accomodating of RiotACT’s strange needs of powerpoints and the use of plasma screens over the years.
But on balance I know I’d be gutted if it wasn’t there. So here’s hoping things go well.