9 January 2009

Ambulance service asks you not to be stupid

| johnboy
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The ABC brings word that a five year old had to be rescued from a baking car yesterday (presumably before winter returned).

This has prompted the ambulance service to ask people not to lock kids in cars on hot days. Apparently leaving the window cracked open is not good enough.

If only you could tie the kids up outside the shops with the dogs eh?

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I had my three before the baby bonus came in and no I didn’t have ‘one for the country’.

I agree that the baby bonus has been used by some parents in a negative manner.

Will the Govt demand all parents who received it and then failed to act in a parental way towards their children, e.g. left in hot cars, be forced to pay it back? (I already know the answer but it begs the question).

“Baby Bonus” = Clayton’s Maternity Leave. Howard vowed he’d never introduce Mat Leave, so (in typical Howard fashion) he didn’t. Instead he gave Aus. the “Baby Bonus” which is *so* open to abuse (ie buying a big screen plasma and PS3/Wii etc as many news outlets have told us) by crappy parents…

For child #2 (2006) we used our “Baby Bonus” to give my wife the full 12 months off work (ie covered the mortgage payments for 6mths with it). We aren’t having “one for Australia” though… sorry…

Baby bonus was $2000.00 when first introduced, and has gone up by a thousand a year ever since I think. It is now means tested and paid in fortnightly installments.

Many people are hoping the baby bonus will eventually be turned into paid maternity leave (it would cost a similar amount), so that will stop the talk about welfare mums having babies on purpose.

– rickochet – my parents worked too, but in those days my grandma did not and helped out. These days the grannies are either working too, or infirm and not able to help out. I think it makes a difference – especially with the ongoing daycare disaster.

as the Darwin Awards state ‘common sense isn’t too common’ (or words to that effect). Mind you, I always leave the windows “cracked open” (sans kiddies) to take the edge off the heat when I return to the car (laughs, remembering the Scrubs episode, with Janitor leaving the ignition running all day so he comes back to a cool car at 1:45 on), apparently I’m mistaken in believing this (does anyone else do it)???

farnarkler @ #43: sorry mate, paper work is done at Maternity Ward… makes “borrowing” a difficult (though not necessarily impossible) proposition… (proof = form signed by Midwife assisting delivery on behalf of the hospital)

Oh, and a child of 5 would not have graced his parents with the $5000 (or $4000 as first introduced) “Baby Bonus”… announced in May 2004, it came into effect in July of 2004… about 8 weeks after my first born arrived… (I’m not holding that against him though – I’m just glad he has all his fingers and toes etc). I know a heap of caesarians were re-scheduled for the week it came into effect (as thy were when it became $5000 – in 2005 from memory)

ant @ #54: hmmmm… Govt offer ‘Baby Bonus’, more children born… is that *really* a shock (I seem to recall that that was indeed, the *intention* of the ‘Baby Bonus’ payment) – (on [a rare] serious note: I agree with your sentiment)

semantics I know, but questions where asked (I know they were probably rhetorical, but I’m not good with subtle hints, as my wife could tell you)…

Poptop @ #50: “GOOOOOOOOOOLD!!!”

DISCLAIMER: The responses above are offered in good humour. The author apologises if his attempt at humour is *in fact* not at all humourous…

Rule 37 – Care for kids. 1979.

Thank you Poptop for that link. It really brought back some memories hearing that song again.

Sepi, I agree that both parents working is probably just one of the contributing factors to the problem. But with that said , both my parents worked throughout my childhood and it wasnt an uncommon thing back then.

Ant, I dont think we will have to wait years for that research result to come through.
If the government was to ever release the figures of babies that were abandoned or killed or abused and taken into foster care within a year of the baby Bonus being paid out, Im sure the public would be outraged with the results of these figures.
And still it continues to be paid out. The baby bonus only held appeal to those already in the welfare system, as any normal, logical thinking, hard working parent knows that $5000 is unrealistic in regards to the upbringing of a child .

Our government has made it way too easy for parents to give up their duty of care. One kid in foster care and another on the way is the common theme, followed by a hefty paycheck for their ‘efforts’. Are the politicians really this blind to whats going on?

‘We need more australians and we’re not being picky on quality.’
Well at this rate we will need to consider erecting more centrelink offices and public housing in order to prepare for ‘the 5000 dollar generations’ future. Assumimg of course that the majority of them will make it past their 5th birthdays.
I hope our current government puts aside a huge budget for the social service sector of the near future. We are going to need it.

Also times have changed. These days both parents are usually working. Even the grandparents are often still at work. Lots of parents are just busy, overworked and tired.

We need more australians and we’re not being picky on quality.

I’m sure that in years to come, researchers will be able to easily draw a link between the payment of the baby bonus and other largesse for people having children, and the increasing neglect of kids, obese children, kids poorly raised, and other problems.

The government shovels money at these people, and too many of them plainly think that caring for their kids is someone else’s job.

I am not going to rant here, I just wanted to say that I agree with rikochet, and all jokes aside, it seems as if the number of incidents is on the increase, not the decline for accidents and deaths of small children.

Mate, I totally agree with your sentiments.

Thanks for your understanding.
Im sorry if my first post came across as ‘holier than thou’. I do have a sense of humour ( a dry one at that) but I guess the timing on this subject sucked and I let my emotions write the post. Anyways, thanks for your reply.

Oh and by the way, Im a female but you can call me sir if you want to 😉

I agree with you, something has to be done Rikochet. On the drownings, my wife is a swimming teacher and very passionate about kids learning to swim. How any parent can not get their kids into lessons as early as possible is beyond me. We’re a race of people that lives near and plays in water for god sake. Many of these deaths can be prevented and each one makes me sad beyond belief. I think our gov’t should subsidise lessons for all children and/or it should be part of the normal education process. I’m not sure how we can fix deaths that occur due to people’s selfishness though, like leaving kids in cars. You can’t regulate against stupidity.

I know. Im at the point where I cant even read the paper anymore. It saddens me so much that I feel the need to run home and hug my 2yr old daughter and never let her go.
I just cannot understand the levels of such complacency of these parents.
The new legislation on pools will not stop these drownings, unfortunatly, its more about the government cashing in then preventing deaths. You are very right about teaching kids to swim as early as possible , why isnt that a law? You can put in all the latest levels of pool security around your pool , yet it only takes one bloody idiot to leave the gate open.
Berraboy68, do you remember (I think in the late 70’s) when we had the Care For KIds Campaign? I dont know what prompted that but maybe we need another one like it. Public awareness repeated over and over again throughout the year might be just a small step in the right direction..

rikochet said :

And Mr Chet,

I may call you that? You sir, have no sense of humour.

Remember, this is RA where miscreants generally get the suggestion that they should be hung drawn and quartered for picking their nose in public.

But seriously, yes, some parents are dumb as fence posts. What to do about it? regulate? Fine? Sterilise? Maybe taken out the back and shot at dawn?

I await the solution.
And the recipe for the white wine sauce….

I understand Aussie humour. After all, I am a Aussie too.
The last 4 months has brought so much media attention to children dying in preventable circumstances. Its starting to make me wonder how any child has a chance of survival after 5 yrs old.
Parents are becoming so complacent with their protection of the young ones. Its so sad to see these children dont have much of a chance.
I live in Qld, but Canberra is my hometown. Up here in the last few months we have had so many kids drowning in pools/dams, kids being mauled to death by dogs, starved to death by their parents,neglected or abandoned as newborns and left in cars while parents gambled or went shopping.
And our governments response to this is to attack a problem from the wrong perspective, by imposing lax fines and new mediocre laws which are more about money than prevention.
I dont know what the answer is. But we definatly need to find one because these kids are defenseless and their parents are obviously not providing the right protection for them. I’d love to be able to make a difference, I just dont know how.

I agree with you, something has to be done Rikochet. On the drownings, my wife is a swimming teacher and very passionate about kids learning to swim. How any parent can not get their kids into lessons as early as possible is beyond me. We’re a race of people that lives near and plays in water for god sake. Many of these deaths can be prevented and each one makes me sad beyond belief. I think our gov’t should subsidise lessons for all children and/or it should be part of the normal education process. I’m not sure how we can fix deaths that occur due to people’s selfishness though, like leaving kids in cars. You can’t regulate against stupidity.

And Mr Chet,

I may call you that? You sir, have no sense of humour.

Remember, this is RA where miscreants generally get the suggestion that they should be hung drawn and quartered for picking their nose in public.

But seriously, yes, some parents are dumb as fence posts. What to do about it? regulate? Fine? Sterilise? Maybe taken out the back and shot at dawn?

I await the solution.
And the recipe for the white wine sauce….

I understand Aussie humour. After all, I am a Aussie too.
The last 4 months has brought so much media attention to children dying in preventable circumstances. Its starting to make me wonder how any child has a chance of survival after 5 yrs old.
Parents are becoming so complacent with their protection of the young ones. Its so sad to see these children dont have much of a chance.
I live in Qld, but Canberra is my hometown. Up here in the last few months we have had so many kids drowning in pools/dams, kids being mauled to death by dogs, starved to death by their parents,neglected or abandoned as newborns and left in cars while parents gambled or went shopping.
And our governments response to this is to attack a problem from the wrong perspective, by imposing lax fines and new mediocre laws which are more about money than prevention.
I dont know what the answer is. But we definatly need to find one because these kids are defenseless and their parents are obviously not providing the right protection for them. I’d love to be able to make a difference, I just dont know how.

*tone* not tome. Damned hangover fingers…

rikochet said :

You people should be ashamed of yourself. Your attitudes are disgusting.
Children are being left in hot cars by irresponsible parents and you guys use it as a springboard to post your stupid jokes.
A child dying is no laughing matter.
The worst part about this is that most of you actually have children of your own.

Rikochet – I have kids and I wouldn’t leave them in a car. I wouldn’t eat them either as I playfully bit one of the bum once when they were a baby and it tasted awful (and tough) – nothing at all like chicken.

Humour is the great Aussie (if not human) way of dealing with nasty stuff. That said, if this thread wasn’t just a warning from the Ambo’s, but a notice of a child dying this way in the ACT, I think you’d find the tome of this thread quite different.

Now where’s that tenderiser…

Can you borrow a child and get the $5000? What proof is needed that the child is yours?

peterh said :

what, no chianti and falva beans??

Fava Beans. We call them broad beans.

AussieGal83 said :

Yeah I saw a bitch do this to some 2 or 3 year olds earlier in the week at Mason, when it was about 36 degrees outside. It was awful. And where did she go? Into the grog shop of course. Gotta love the society we live in. Stupid bitch.

Now come on, be fair. She had baby bonus to spend, and then they sent her family tax A and B, and then thre was the child care rebate, and the various other payments. she had more important things to do than think about the welfare of her kids. After all, the government has shown, very clearly, that the raising of her kids is really the government’s responsibility.

VYBerlinaV8_the_one_they_all_copy10:39 pm 09 Jan 09

If you ever see a kid in a car by themselves, I’d recommend calling 000.

AG83, did you do anything about it, except mentioning it here?

Yeah I have to agree. There’s not much you can do. You can’t take the kids off them because then it puts too much pressure on the child assistant system.

And I’m pretty sure there actually isn’t an offence for this unless of course the kid actually dies, then your pushing s**t uphill for a manslaughter charge.

As far as I’m concerned and I’m sure most people will agree, there needs to be an offence created and made serious enough that it compares to the sentences of Assault GBH and manslaughter offences. A child in that extreme heat could not only kill them but cause significant brain damage etc. Not cool!

Yeah I saw a bitch do this to some 2 or 3 year olds earlier in the week at Mason, when it was about 36 degrees outside. It was awful. And where did she go? Into the grog shop of course. Gotta love the society we live in. Stupid bitch.

But Father always preached children should be eaten and not heard.

You people should be ashamed of yourself. Your attitudes are disgusting.
Children are being left in hot cars by irresponsible parents and you guys use it as a springboard to post your stupid jokes.
A child dying is no laughing matter.
The worst part about this is that most of you actually have children of your own.

Skidbladnir said :

Aurelius said :

That’d be if you were dysfunctional and unable to breed otherwise, in which case, you should be allowed to become extinct, just like the dinosaurs!

Jb, can you suspend the moderation-on-personal-slurs threats for a while? I suspect this one may get interesting.

skid, i won’t be responding more than my childish “you first”. I noticed that the tone of the thread was getting slightly offal.

barking toad said :

I find some of the comments on this thread very offensive. Especially those alluding to cooking.

It is a sad fact that some irresponsible parents leave children locked in cars while they indulge themselves by shopping or drinking or playing the pokies while the poor child is left to suffer.

This is no laughing matter!!

Although, lightly poached in a white wine sauce with a sprinkling of freshly chopped parsley would go down a treat.

what, no chianti and falva beans??

barking toad4:59 pm 09 Jan 09

I find some of the comments on this thread very offensive. Especially those alluding to cooking.

It is a sad fact that some irresponsible parents leave children locked in cars while they indulge themselves by shopping or drinking or playing the pokies while the poor child is left to suffer.

This is no laughing matter!!

Although, lightly poached in a white wine sauce with a sprinkling of freshly chopped parsley would go down a treat.

Aurelius said :

That’d be if you were dysfunctional and unable to breed otherwise, in which case, you should be allowed to become extinct, just like the dinosaurs!

Jb, can you suspend the moderation-on-personal-slurs threats for a while? I suspect this one may get interesting.

I was locked in a Golf by the dealer who did not see me enter the car. There was no way you could open the doors and the horn and lights would not come on!!!!!!! After 10 minutes getting very panicky I was about to kick out a window when a passrby saw me and went in and called the very embarrased dealer. Vowed NEVER to buy a Golf.

Mr Evil said :

The Federal Govt should ban locks on cars to prevent this happening again: it’d go hand in hand with the campaign to ban ads for fatty foods to stop childhood obesity…….

Yes, it’s a very serious issue. I think they need to abolish windows on cars, too, in case a Child ever runs the risk of overheating in cars.

And isn’t it a shame that the gov’t doesn’t have the cojones to just come out and say that fat kids are fat because they eat too much high calorie food and don’t excercise enough.

Aurelius said :

peterh said :

unless you have to use IVF. I would rather replace the window.

That’d be if you were dysfunctional and unable to breed otherwise, in which case, you should be allowed to become extinct, just like the dinosaurs!

you first.

peterh said :

unless you have to use IVF. I would rather replace the window.

That’d be if you were dysfunctional and unable to breed otherwise, in which case, you should be allowed to become extinct, just like the dinosaurs!

The Federal Govt should ban locks on cars to prevent this happening again: it’d go hand in hand with the campaign to ban ads for fatty foods to stop childhood obesity…….

Maybe there really is global warming? After all, in Mark Parton’s day you could leave a kid locked in a car for 12 hours with a packet of chips and a bottle of Fanta and they’d be perfectly fine!

Aurelius said :

Are you people mad?
Replacing a car-window costs a few hundred bucks. Replacing a kid simply requires a shag and waiting for them to grow.

unless you have to use IVF. I would rather replace the window.

Hunder? Whoops.

Car window costs a few hunder bucks.
Kids earn you instant $5000, plus a slave for the next 15 years, or until they decide they’ve had enough and shoot you.

Are you people mad?
Replacing a car-window costs a few hundred bucks. Replacing a kid simply requires a shag and waiting for them to grow.

I think about having the kids stolen by a catholic priest if I leave them in the car and it prevents me from leaving them there.

Perhaps the government should taketh away some of the cash they are spraying around, if someone is busted for kiddy cooking.

Don’t send them to court, especially here in the ACT. Police could just send through a email to bustedcookinthekids.gov.au, then whamo! Centrelink payment decreases substantially, or Mark Parton is sent over to lecture about the foolishness of those born post 1950.

With that little pearl of wisdom, I think i’ll have a crack at elections next time. If Mark can get close, surely I have a chance.

Loose Brown22:35 pm 09 Jan 09

I got a frantic call from Mrs Brown asking me to get to Piallago ASAP because she had locked Miss Brown in the car.

I raced there in about 5 minutes, leaving very annoyed people at all the airport roundabouts who I completely cut off. When I got there the car windows were covered with blankets provided by the local business.

It was early spring and not very hot, so when we opened the door, I realised that Mrs Brown was much more upset than Miss Brown who was watching her panicking mum with much enjoyment. Any signs of distress and the window would have been stoved in though.

Let this be a lesson to never put your kid in baby seat, then throw keys into handbag on the front seat. The lock car button can accidently press just as you shut the back door…

And to Mr WRX who was mightily annoyed – I wish you had followed me as you would have felt like the farkwit you are.

God, how often do people have to be told? How dumb can they be?

Oh, wait …. there’s ample evidence of those every day.

peterh said :

BerraBoy68 said :

If you ever see a child, or a pet for that matter, locked in a car on a hot day with the windows up, feel free to smash your way in. I doubt the law would have much to say about it.

absolutely. then if you can, call the authorities, or flag down an ambulance if one is going past. They may be able to assist in re-hydration if necessary, or provide further first aid support.

An NRMA serviceman I used to knock about with once told me of a bloke at Charny shops who called them out saying he’d locked his keys in the car while his baby was in there (it was summer). NRMA dropped everything to get someone out there urgently and when he arived – no kid. The driver said he told them there was as he knew the NRMA come out quicker if a child is involved. The NRMA guy went back to his car grabbed a shifter and smashed the window and handed the guy his keys. The guy got quite angry and called the cops while demanding the NRMA guy stay where he was. The cops came out and were told by both parties hat had hapepened. The cops then told the owner of the car he could either suck it up or be charged with wasting police time. I’m not sure if it’s a true story but god I hope so.

GottaLoveCanberra1:52 pm 09 Jan 09

I saw someone do this in Tuggers and the first thought that came into my mind was so smash the window for the poor kid but then the parental came back so I just left.

What’s the legalities and hoohah about doing such a thing? Like if I see a kid left in a car with the windows up should I smash and be a hero?

And what if the windows are down? Should we still do something?

Is there a line?

BerraBoy68 said :

If you ever see a child, or a pet for that matter, locked in a car on a hot day with the windows up, feel free to smash your way in. I doubt the law would have much to say about it.

absolutely. then if you can, call the authorities, or flag down an ambulance if one is going past. They may be able to assist in re-hydration if necessary, or provide further first aid support.

Cars getting stunningly hot very fast, even if you park them in the shade, I think the car has a bunch of absorbed heat from driving around in the sun. Just winding the windows down isn’t enough.

I had a chihuahua in the car years ago and parked the car in the shade with the windows half way down while I ran into woolies to grab some chips or bread or soemthing. When I came out, the dog had climbed out of teh window and was perched on the side mirror, hurling abuse at passers-by.

I’m not sure if he was wanting to get cooler though, or just wanted to bark at people.

Ozhair said :

To the tune of “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire”:

Small kids roasting in a Charnwwod car,
Mum’s just buying cigarettes.
“Don’t tell me how to raise my kids,
Or I’ll stab you
In the neck”


When I was little I used to insist that I stay in the car with a book rather than go around the shops. The window was usually down although occasionally I would put it up because of the noise. Didn’t hurt me at all. I was about 8 or so though.

How often should a child be turned to make sure the are done evenly?

Personally I think anyone who does this to their kids or pets should be locked up in a car themselves for a couple of hours, just to show them what it’s like.

To the tune of “Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire”:

Small kids roasting in a Charnwwod car,
Mum’s just buying cigarettes.
“Don’t tell me how to raise my kids,
Or I’ll stab you
In the neck”

If you ever see a child, or a pet for that matter, locked in a car on a hot day with the windows up, feel free to smash your way in. I doubt the law would have much to say about it.

Eyeball In A Quart Jar Of Snot12:34 pm 09 Jan 09

They could at least sprinkle the kids with a bit of seasoning.

Maybe a little butter or olive oil.

You should never, under any circumstances, put your car in an oven.

Especially if it has kids in it.

Unless you have used a little canola baking spray first to stop the little darlings sticking to the seats…..

Maybe the baby bonus has well and truly run out, so the novelty of having a child had run out too?

I guess the gubb’mint needs to add this to the “How not to kill your kid in the first ten years” DVD that they give out to all new parents. I got one last week, but i’m yet to watch it.

I got locked in the car the other week… argh. damn central locking.

common sense would have been good here. I have never left the kids in the car to pop into the shop. I get em all out, into the pram, and go where it is easy to do so.

wonder if the person that did this even thought about what they were doing? probably would have done the same to a dog…

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