11 December 2015

An ACT Coat of Arms for our next century

| Steven Squires
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An alternative Coat of Arms of the ACT

As the ACT begins its second century, and the Republic is becoming the talk of the town, the ACT Government has a golden opportunity to provide a fitting symbol for Canberra’s next century as a city.

I am referring to the Canberra Coat of Arms (pictured below), whose symbols no longer reflect the values and ideals of the majority of the ACT population. It is time for the ACT Government to initiate a process of public engagement for the design of an ACT Coat of Arms, in the context of Canberra defining itself for its next century.

Replacing the Canberran Coat of Arms with an ACT Coat of Arms would correct an historical anomaly that has meant the ACT is the only major jurisdiction in the Commonwealth that does not have a coat of arms. Members of the ACT’s heraldry society are open to the idea of an ACT Coat of Arms, having the view that the ACT Government is misusing the Canberran Coat of Arms to represent the entire territory.

And given that the ACT voted strongly in favour of a republic in the 1999 Republic Referendum, having pro-monarchy symbols on the Canberran Coat of Arms flies in the face of the values and ideas of the majority in the ACT, who deserve better than the implied loyalty to the British Monarchy in the crowns and motto.

Canberra Coat of Arms

Does the motto “For the Queen, the Law, and the People”, or any of the other monarchist symbols for that matter, really represent the ideas and aspirations of ACT residents today? I would say that it does not.

The ACT Government has implicitly acknowledged this, using the “CBR” brand more and more, rather than the coat of arms itself. This is in effect saying that the Coat of Arms is an inadequate symbol for the territory.

An ACT Coat of Arms would provide more relevant and meaningful symbolism for the ACT, and could incorporate well-loved ACT icons as in the example pictured at the start of this article. These include the Gang-gang Cockatoo, the Royal Bluebell, Parliament House, and the Brindabella Mountains. If done correctly, it would become a timeless symbol of the ACT, and put our unique culture and environment at the forefront of our symbols.

This has been done before in Australia, as the South Australian government adopted a more culturally meaningful coat of arms in 1984, replacing one created in 1936. The Northern Territory also has an impressive coat of arms, which uses indigenous themes and incorporates every territory emblem (see below).

Northern Territory Coat of Arms

To this end, with the co-operation of other supporters, I have created a Legislative Assembly e-Petition, to help effect change from the Assembly on this issue. If you support this opportunity to create a great cultural icon, please sign the e-Petition.

Steven Squires is Deputy Convenor, ACT Branch, Australian Republican Movement.

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Masquara said :

mididoom said :

Grimm said :

Masquara said :

Isn’t it a bit strange to not believe in knighthoods in Australia, but keep a coat of arms?

I’m glad somebody else sees the comedy in removing references to the commonwealth etc, yet still wants a coat of arms.

It’s not strange, because heraldry is a beautiful artform that has been adapted to many cultures regardless of the political situation. Venice was a republic, but it still used heraldry. Canadian heraldry is a great example of heraldry adapted to work in any culture: http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/how-canada-became-home-to-some-of-the-worlds-more-visually-stunning-and-fun-heraldry

Um Canada is a monarchy ….

Yes, I know. Sorry if I was unclear. I was talking about Venice being a republic, but Canadian heraldry catering to many different cultures.

mididoom said :

Grimm said :

Masquara said :

Isn’t it a bit strange to not believe in knighthoods in Australia, but keep a coat of arms?

I’m glad somebody else sees the comedy in removing references to the commonwealth etc, yet still wants a coat of arms.

It’s not strange, because heraldry is a beautiful artform that has been adapted to many cultures regardless of the political situation. Venice was a republic, but it still used heraldry. Canadian heraldry is a great example of heraldry adapted to work in any culture: http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/how-canada-became-home-to-some-of-the-worlds-more-visually-stunning-and-fun-heraldry

Um Canada is a monarchy ….

Grimm said :

Masquara said :

Isn’t it a bit strange to not believe in knighthoods in Australia, but keep a coat of arms?

I’m glad somebody else sees the comedy in removing references to the commonwealth etc, yet still wants a coat of arms.

It’s not strange, because heraldry is a beautiful artform that has been adapted to many cultures regardless of the political situation. Venice was a republic, but it still used heraldry. Canadian heraldry is a great example of heraldry adapted to work in any culture: http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/how-canada-became-home-to-some-of-the-worlds-more-visually-stunning-and-fun-heraldry

Who appointed the Australian Republican Movement as the arbiter of matters to do with the future of Australian democracy?

Sigh …… it’s all rather depressing innit? Anything to take our minds off the poor tv programming over Chrissie-New Year and looming, decades long, tram-induced deficits.

“Does the motto “For the Queen, the Law, and the People”, or any of the other monarchist symbols for that matter, really represent the ideas and aspirations of ACT residents today? I would say that it does not.”
I reckon that is about perfect for contemporary Canberra.

That is certainly heading in the right direction. I envisioned the Vitriolic Skywhale Rampant to be Supra to the Arms Proper, Aloft in Glory, Magnificently bestowing Blessings upon the Territory.

Oh…and this is no laughing matter. I have finally found my purpose in life.

Steven_Squires said :

Up until now I really didn’t care one way or the other about this.

But after reading your comment I am now passionate about one aspect. I don’t care if you are joking or not, but I am now actively campaigning for a ‘vitriolic Skywhale rampant” on the ACT Coat of Arms. Seriously.


In that case, you will get a good laugh out of this picture 😉 https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154089489402334&id=583192333&set=p.10154089489402334&source=47

Steven_Squires10:33 pm 04 Dec 15

rommeldog56 said :

From the OP “An ACT Coat of Arms would provide more relevant and meaningful symbolism for the ACT, and could incorporate well-loved ACT icons as in the example pictured at the start of this article. These include the Gang-gang Cockatoo, the Royal Bluebell, Parliament House, and the Brindabella Mountains. If done correctly, it would become a timeless symbol of the ACT, and put our unique culture and environment at the forefront of our symbols.”

I dunno – to me that proposed new one looks more like something from a South American banana republic or an ex USSR state……?

You might prefer the version with a blue background, as shown in the link below. But the version in the article is by no means authoritative. There are many forms a new emblem could take. https://m.facebook.com/steven.squires1/posts/pcb.1289008017791257/?photo_id=10204086530757359&mds=%2Fphotos%2Fviewer%2F%3Fphotoset_token%3Dpcb.1289008017791257%26photo%3D10204086530757359%26profileid%3D1647564690%26source%3D48%26refid%3D18%26_ft_%3Dqid.6224388798065581609%253Amf_story_key.1289008017791257%253Atl_objid.1289008017791257%26cached_data%3Dfalse%26ftid%3Du_d_8&mdf=1

Steven_Squires10:08 pm 04 Dec 15

No_Nose said :

Acton said :

Ok, so if they want symbols that incorporate well-loved ACT icons, then how about:
A Thought Bubble, containing a Tram erased, submerged by imaginary climate change rising sea levels, beneath a vitriolic Skywhale rampant.

Up until now I really didn’t care one way or the other about this.

But after reading your comment I am now passionate about one aspect. I don’t care if you are joking or not, but I am now actively campaigning for a ‘vitriolic Skywhale rampant” on the ACT Coat of Arms. Seriously.


No_Nose said :

Acton said :

Ok, so if they want symbols that incorporate well-loved ACT icons, then how about:
A Thought Bubble, containing a Tram erased, submerged by imaginary climate change rising sea levels, beneath a vitriolic Skywhale rampant.

Up until now I really didn’t care one way or the other about this.

But after reading your comment I am now passionate about one aspect. I don’t care if you are joking or not, but I am now actively campaigning for a ‘vitriolic Skywhale rampant” on the ACT Coat of Arms. Seriously.


In that case, you will get a good laugh out of this picture 😉 https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154089489402334&id=583192333&set=p.10154089489402334&source=47

Acton said :

Ok, so if they want symbols that incorporate well-loved ACT icons, then how about:
A Thought Bubble, containing a Tram erased, submerged by imaginary climate change rising sea levels, beneath a vitriolic Skywhale rampant.

Up until now I really didn’t care one way or the other about this.

But after reading your comment I am now passionate about one aspect. I don’t care if you are joking or not, but I am now actively campaigning for a ‘vitriolic Skywhale rampant” on the ACT Coat of Arms. Seriously.


Here we go again… yawn. WGAS.
Once again the local Republicans regurgitate their feeble ideas for changing something. Anything.

Ok, so if they want symbols that incorporate well-loved ACT icons, then how about:
A Thought Bubble, containing a Tram erased, submerged by imaginary climate change rising sea levels, beneath a vitriolic Skywhale rampant.

switch said :

Why is there a white swan on the current one?

Black swans are most appropriate for the current ACT government:

Masquara said :

Isn’t it a bit strange to not believe in knighthoods in Australia, but keep a coat of arms?

We are different in Canberra.

The new proposed coats of arms is much better than the present very foreign looking one.

Masquara said :

Isn’t it a bit strange to not believe in knighthoods in Australia, but keep a coat of arms?

I’m glad somebody else sees the comedy in removing references to the commonwealth etc, yet still wants a coat of arms.

David_Wedgwood9:56 am 04 Dec 15

switch said :

Why is there a white swan on the current one?

The white swan is the European white mute swan, representing the origin of the white settlers of Australia. In a rare recognition (for the time), the Australian black swan is juxtaposed to represent the Australian indigenous population. That is part of the reason why the City of Canberra coat of arms is included on the ACT flag, which represents the unique city/state (that is state with a small “s”, territory if you prefer). Further proof that Canberra is a city of the future, often leading the nation. ACT residents are progressive, agile, early adopters and future looking. Pity the same can’t be said of the current Federal Government.

justin heywood9:06 am 04 Dec 15

switch said :

Why is there a white swan on the current one?

…and why does he look so singularly unimpressed?
He looks like he doesn’t know why either.

wildturkeycanoe said :

Seriously though, aren’t there better things to be concentrating on? Coat of arms, big deal. Hospital waiting periods, cost blowouts for light rail, terrorism….I think a petition for looking into a symbol rarely seen or used is going to waste more tax payer money than all the royal inquiries for this year rolled into one.

Dealing with issues isn’t linear in government or in anybody’s life and indeed it is impossible for it to be so. It seems that whenever the argument of ‘better things to be concentrating on’ is one of obfuscation rolled out by those opposed to the proposition.

Why is there a white swan on the current one?

As the Territory is about to plunge into massive debt to fund various thought bubble projects, a coat of arms depicting the symbol of the pawnbroker (3 balls) on a rusty shipping container sinking in LBG surmounted by a tram wires with smoking (electrocuted) Gang-Gangs hanging from them would reflect what this government is all about.

Surely the new one should have the Belconnen Penis Owl on top of the GDE twisted metal “grass”

wildturkeycanoe6:56 am 04 Dec 15

What’s with the “all seeing eye” in the greenery on the proposal? Supposed to represent the government’s data retention laws? I guess the yellow bindies on the lawn are appropriate and well done for getting the number of petals correct on the Patterson’s curse.
Seriously though, aren’t there better things to be concentrating on? Coat of arms, big deal. Hospital waiting periods, cost blowouts for light rail, terrorism….I think a petition for looking into a symbol rarely seen or used is going to waste more tax payer money than all the royal inquiries for this year rolled into one.

Maybe replace the swans and have a white Commodore and an black Audi A4? Maybe also a firework and sex toy crossed as a nod to our heritage.

Isn’t it a bit strange to not believe in knighthoods in Australia, but keep a coat of arms?

New one doesn’t do it for me but we do have to ditch the chains and drawbridge, and any reference to the Queen

Put a bird on it.

This is really disappointing to see. Our current coat of arms has the dignity and respect befitting the national capital. This proposed alternative by the Republican Movement lacks that dignity. It looks like something you’d see printed on camping equipment and sold out the front of Kathmandu.

Or maybe a same sex couple on one side, a hetro couple on the other and $800,000 in between ?

MERC600 said :

Well lets go modernistic. Would there possibly be room for a wind turbine in the coat of arms.

I can see it now.

Wind turbine on one side – solar panels on the other with the Tram including overhead wires, in the middle.

Well lets go modernistic. Would there possibly be room for a wind turbine in the coat of arms.

From the OP “An ACT Coat of Arms would provide more relevant and meaningful symbolism for the ACT, and could incorporate well-loved ACT icons as in the example pictured at the start of this article. These include the Gang-gang Cockatoo, the Royal Bluebell, Parliament House, and the Brindabella Mountains. If done correctly, it would become a timeless symbol of the ACT, and put our unique culture and environment at the forefront of our symbols.”

I dunno – to me that proposed new one looks more like something from a South American banana republic or an ex USSR state……?

I see this as another opportunity to promote the Tram – it should be the centrepiece of any new ACT coat of arms. With a bicycle on the other side. The caption could be “Canberra – All Grown Up Now” .

Or maybe a 2 lane road way disappearing into the distance with a car on it.

Any other ideas ????

Seriously though, is this really necessary ?

Rawhide Kid Part31:14 pm 03 Dec 15

I believe its called the City of Canberra coat of arms, not the Canberra coat of arms.

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