The day Anthony Paton killed his son and ruined the life of the woman he hit on the wrong side of the road he was unlicensed, driving an unregistered car, and wildly drunk at 0.281.
His sentencing has gone online:
I now sentence you to imprisonment for four years and four months for culpable driving causing the death of Andrew Paton and for two years and six months for the culpable driving causing grievous bodily harm to Ciala Myers. The grievous bodily harm sentence will be served so as to add eight months to the total sentence, resulting in a head sentence of five years with a non-parole period of two years and nine months. But for your assistance in the administration of justice, I would have set the head sentence at six years with a non-parole of three and a half years.
The sentence will be backdated to 25 July this year, when you were remanded in custody, and so it will run until 24 July 2018. The effect the backdating and the non-parole period is that you will be eligible for parole, at the earliest, in about 29 months, being 24 April 2016.
You are also disqualified from driving indefinitely until such time as your disqualification is set aside by order of a court.
You may sit down, Mr Paton.