So I found out recently, after traipsing around the usual suspects of BCF, Bunnings, and whichever servo I could remember, that I can no longer refill my gas bottle at these esteemed outlets.
Some research through PhD Professor Google suggests this is due to some safety inspections revealing poor refill practices by spotty faced 17 year olds who say “unhhh?” a lot. Fair enough.
I’ve also heard of a couple of places you can get a refill, but not on a Sunday, and apparently the old reliable BBQ’s Galore is always out of gas. Probably because it’s the only place in Canberra that can refill gas bottles for 350,000 people.
My gas bottles are for camping appliances (cookers and such) which need a 3/8 connector. Has anyone ever seen a Swap & Go (who have obviously won the Canberra gas refill lobbying wars) gas bottle with anything but the regular (big) POL fitting? It’s just that if I buy a Swap & Go bottle I have to use an adapter, which doubles the number of connections, and therefore potential leak points, in my gas hose line. Since when was that safer for me?
I do get it though – at least the supplier doesn’t get sued.
Anyway, if anyone does know anywhere in Canberra I can get a gas refill without taking half a day off work, I’d be much obliged.