21 August 2011

Are You Ready? We want your convoy photos and video

| johnboy
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Right now we don’t know where the “Convoy Of No Confidence” (hereafter to be known as CONC) will fit on the spectrum of “Sad Fizzer” to “25 October 1917“.

(The convoyers appear to be hoping for 9 December 1688)

But if you do get photos or video of the proceedings please send them in to images@the-riotact.com . Be sure to include the name you’d like credited.

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LSWCHP said :

Stevian said :

Ben_Dover said :

[Democracy comes via the ballot box, your lot lost, live with it bitch.

“Democracy comes from the barrel of a gun”

Guess who said that?

Then consider the source

Are you referring to the aphorism “Political power grows from the barrel of a gun” by Mao Tse Tung?

I’m pretty sure that democracy never entered into any of The Chairman’s thoughts.

I’ve seen it rendered as “Political power INCLUDING DEMOCRACY grows from the barrel of a gun”, the former East Germany was the Deutsche Democratische Republik, Korea is the Democratic Republic of Korea. I don’t agree but they must expect someone too. It’s curious thing that those who bleat loudest about Democracy (like our convoy riders) are really all about Dictatorship

Stevian said :

Ben_Dover said :

[Democracy comes via the ballot box, your lot lost, live with it bitch.

“Democracy comes from the barrel of a gun”

Guess who said that?

Then consider the source

Are you referring to the aphorism “Political power grows from the barrel of a gun” by Mao Tse Tung?

I’m pretty sure that democracy never entered into any of The Chairman’s thoughts.

The Antichrist9:29 pm 23 Aug 11

colourful sydney racing identity said :

on the Just Grounds website they are calling the convoy of incompetence a success lol.

I wish they were doing my performance appraisal 🙂

Apparently “…..as soon as I heard Bob Brown call the rally a flop, I knew it had been a success…” is how the hayseeds measured the success of the Convoy of Massive Overblown Self Importance.

I wonder how it would have been measured if Bob had come out and said it was a success ? I guess it would have been a success then as well…….???

So its a success wether or not its a success or not ???…….sounds like logic is not a concept that Abotts Angry People are familiar with.

Thoroughly Smashed2:32 pm 23 Aug 11

luther_bendross said :

Thoroughly Smashed said :

Same for the “Red Queen, Faggot King” placard that one redneck was holding. Might even have been the same guy…

Yeah I saw that insight on the news. Umm, who the row of trucks is the Faggot King?

Most likely Bob Brown, because The Greens apparently run this country now.

luther_bendross1:51 pm 23 Aug 11

Thoroughly Smashed said :

Same for the “Red Queen, Faggot King” placard that one redneck was holding. Might even have been the same guy…

Yeah I saw that insight on the news. Umm, who the row of trucks is the Faggot King?

Thoroughly Smashed1:01 pm 23 Aug 11

Gungahlin Al said :

clp said :

I was at Parliament House so popped over for a quick look – the funniest thing was someone being interviewed to one side and he was going on and on about protecting kids from gay marriage whilst Alan Jones was prancing around on stage behind him.
Now Alannis that is ironic.


Same for the “Red Queen, Faggot King” placard that one redneck was holding. Might even have been the same guy…

colourful sydney racing identity11:26 am 23 Aug 11

on the Just Grounds website they are calling the convoy of incompetence a success lol.

I wish they were doing my performance appraisal 🙂

JJROCK said :

I’ve considered all arguments and will now fight to the death to stand up for real democracy, freedom of speech and less government red tape. I hope one day you all have the guts to fight the easy way out and stand up for what is right for the whole of Australia, not just your interests!….Jaye

What do you do when some of these things are in conflict? For example, if a referendum to remove free speech was supported by the majority of the population, would you still fight for it?

Ben_Dover said :

[Democracy comes via the ballot box, your lot lost, live with it bitch.

“Democracy comes from the barrel of a gun”

Guess who said that?

Then consider the source

Ben_Dover said :

Well with the logistical and plannings skills they’ve demonstrated, it’s a wonder any of them have any business to go home to. I’ve seen better organised things staring up from the bottom of ponds.

It was a bit unimpressive. Big hoo-har, they couldn’t even get the bunting on their trucks, although I hear that most of them managed aussie flags. They’re ruining that flag for the rest of us.

I might steal your pond analogy for future use!

Tooks said :

Stevian said :

JJROCK said :

The fact that you are even commenting on the convoy of no confidence shows that they scared you

That does not follow. Try again

It makes perfect sense. I made a comment about clouds once – that means I’m scared of clouds.

They just sit up there and stare at you.

JJROCK said :

The fact that you are even commenting on the convoy of no confidence shows that they scared you and your communist ideals! For once the hard-working Australians (ones that own their own businesses and fund those of you who work for the government!! These people are giving up thousands of $$$ of income to support what they believe in).

Well with the logistical and plannings skills they’ve demonstrated, it’s a wonder any of them have any business to go home to. I’ve seen better organised things staring up from the bottom of ponds.

I’ve considered all arguments and will now fight to the death to stand up for real democracy, freedom of speech and less government red tape. I hope one day you all have the guts to fight the easy way out and stand up for what is right for the whole of Australia, not just your interests!….Jaye

Democracy comes via the ballot box, your lot lost, live with it bitch.

MWF said :

I liked the Internets much more in the “olden days” when the people who couldn’t comprehend text or spell were not using it.

The September that never ended.

Stevian said :

JJROCK said :

The fact that you are even commenting on the convoy of no confidence shows that they scared you

That does not follow. Try again

It makes perfect sense. I made a comment about clouds once – that means I’m scared of clouds.

The Antichrist11:09 pm 22 Aug 11

LSWCHP said :

Antichrist @92. Best summary of a rant I’ve ever seen here. Solid gold.

We are not worthy to be in your sulphurous presence. 🙂

🙂 cheers buddy.

Deep down, I really wish we could engage with Abotts Angry People on a logical and reasoned basis. Unfortunately, when their thought processes are driven by the likes of Alan Jones, common sense and reason are the first victims.

Antichrist @92. Best summary of a rant I’ve ever seen here. Solid gold.

We are not worthy to be in your sulphurous presence. 🙂

watto23 said :

Can we have a convoy of no confidence every day? My drive to work was pleasant this morning.

+1 I thought that the convoy of no congestion was a roaring success. Best run I’ve had up and down Northbourne in years.

The protesters did endeavor to avoid gridlock at the end of the day, so to bag them out for that particular courtesy is not entirely fair, though i guess you could say they did bring it on themselves by allowing some spokespeople to mention threats early on.

I liked the Internets much more in the “olden days” when the people who couldn’t comprehend text or spell were not using it. I’ve been reading the tripe on Just Grounds and am LMFAO!

JJROCK said :

The fact that you are even commenting on the convoy of no confidence shows that they scared you

That does not follow. Try again

JJROCK said :

the true australians who fought for this country’s freedom in WW1 & WW2 would be turning in their graves…….. ….Jaye

How can you link the soldiers of WW1 and WW2 to this “convoy’? The CONC of today was just all “piss and wind” or “more air-horn than truck” and you have a hide trying to link the CONC to fallen soldiers.

The Antichrist9:24 pm 22 Aug 11

what_the said :

The Antichrist said :

Stevian said :

…..He can’t seriously believe that anybody would see that as anything but a feeble attempt at saving face…..

That is an insult to the word ‘feeble’. Mick Pattel has clearly been studying MrRabbits well-known tome “100 Ways to Back-Flip Poorly”.

You missed today’s backflip as a result of the ‘convoy’. Abbott is now saying that he actuall WILL listen to the result of a Plebsicite on the carbon tax. Ha, good ol weather vein Tony, earns his title well….

Well there you go. He has managed to live up to the very low expectations he sets himself…..again.

JJROCK said :

blah blah blah we are scared blah blah blah we are communist blah blah blah the only hard-working Australians are those that own their own businesses blah blah blah I’ve been everywhere man travelled I’ve had my share man crossed the desert sand man I’ve been everywhere blah blah blah the ATA are corrupt blah blah blah the NRFA are the lifeblood of the country …really ? never heard of them before Fail Convoy and yet furthermore blah blah blah lefties this latte wankers that….Jaye

thanks Jaye – that single rant confirms *every* perception that *us city folk* have about you lot.

It almost makes me feel glad to not be a *real Australian* – only a pretend one who lives in the city and doesn’t own his own business.

Thoroughly Smashed9:07 pm 22 Aug 11

JJROCK said :

The fact that you are even commenting on the convoy of no confidence shows that they scared you and your communist ideals!

Can you explain the train of logic that leads from A to B here?

JJROCK said :

but as a one-time green voter, I’ve considered all arguments

I don’t believe you. On either claim.

The fact that you are even commenting on the convoy of no confidence shows that they scared you and your communist ideals! For once the hard-working Australians (ones that own their own businesses and fund those of you who work for the government!! These people are giving up thousands of $$$ of income to support what they believe in).
I believe Climate change is happening but I believe a carbon tax will do nothing to address climate change, (and unlike some of you city folk, I have lived in almost every state of our great country and travelled extensively overseas….people think we are fooling ourselves to think we will set an example. When China and India think they deserve the right to have everything Western countries have had in the past because it is their turn, we have no hope to influence them. Grandstanding on what you are doing to improve the situation will have absolutely no effect on global emissions and/or climate change.
And by the way the ATA supports the big trucking companies that PAY THEM!! The owner-operators and people that work hard and do not have to pay off people like the ATA….The National Road Freighters Assoc supports the real Trucking owner/operators and smaller companies. (The lifeblood of Australia…..everything you use/buy in Australia is transported by Trucks, don’t be fooled into thinking trains can move everything…..how does it get on/off the trains and delivered?
By the way – you lefties can protest whenever you like without having an outcome – funny how when it is a conservative protest they have to have an absolute outcome….”IT SEEMS LIKE DEMOCRACY IS ALLOWED IN THIS COUNTRY AS LONG AS IT IS LEFT-LEANING AND ANTI-AUSTRALIAN” the true australians who fought for this country’s freedom in WW1 & WW2 would be turning in their graves…….. I know it is hard to not go with the flow and agree with some of your peers, because it is harder to be conservative…but as a one-time green voter, I’ve considered all arguments and will now fight to the death to stand up for real democracy, freedom of speech and less government red tape. I hope one day you all have the guts to fight the easy way out and stand up for what is right for the whole of Australia, not just your interests!….Jaye

Thoroughly Smashed7:53 pm 22 Aug 11

what_the said :

The Antichrist said :

Stevian said :

…..He can’t seriously believe that anybody would see that as anything but a feeble attempt at saving face, can he?……

That is an insult to the word ‘feeble’. Mick Pattel has clearly been studying MrRabbits well-known tome “100 Ways to Back-Flip Poorly”.

You missed today’s backflip as a result of the ‘convoy’. Abbott is now saying that he actuall WILL listen to the result of a Plebsicite on the carbon tax. Ha, good ol weather vein Tony, earns his title well.

Is a weather vein a main vein that’s swinging in the wind?

Sounds about right.

What a dreadful embarrassment.

Postalgeek said :

You’ve piqued my curiosity. How did CB lead ferals to your car?

afaik they see your antenna, but he didnt learn to not feed the trolls

Waiting For Godot said :

One of my biggest regrets is buying that CB radio. Needless to say I’ve never had one in any of my cars since.

It’s a dual band handheld, scans a range of channels, transmitt on cb only. If i get bullied i’ll turn it off, put in glove box, cheers 🙂

amarooresident3 said :

New conspiracy theory is on the loose via twitter – the police are doing the governments bidding and preventing 2km worth of trucks from entering the ACT.

Funny you mention this, because my best mate’s next door neighbour’s sister-in-law said that at least 900 trucks were diverted off the Barton Highway and down a tunnel that leads to the basement of the Deakin ‘telephone exchange’ – where all the drivers have been sedated and given memory suppression drugs.

What is this country coming to????

Waiting For Godot said :

CB radio? You mean people still have those things? I threw mine in the bin in 1995 after a female organised a mob to come around one night and vandalise my car.

Despite the media giving the impression that bullying and feral behaviour only started with the Internet and Facebook it was going on a long time before that.

One of my biggest regrets is buying that CB radio. Needless to say I’ve never had one in any of my cars since.

You’ve piqued my curiosity. How did CB lead ferals to your car?

Waiting For Godot5:09 pm 22 Aug 11

molongloid said :

Henry82 said :

amarooresident3 said :

New conspiracy theory is on the loose via twitter – the police are doing the governments bidding and preventing 2km worth of trucks from entering the ACT..

– ACT Policing not blocking anyone @ ACT/NSW border. Not aware of anything else.

via act_pol twitter.

Also, i cant hear anything about it on the scanner.

Yeah, there was no word of any police blocks amongst the convoyers on the CB channels, and I had the radio on all day.

CB radio? You mean people still have those things? I threw mine in the bin in 1995 after a female organised a mob to come around one night and vandalise my car.

Despite the media giving the impression that bullying and feral behaviour only started with the Internet and Facebook it was going on a long time before that.

One of my biggest regrets is buying that CB radio. Needless to say I’ve never had one in any of my cars since.

The Antichrist said :

Stevian said :

…..He can’t seriously believe that anybody would see that as anything but a feeble attempt at saving face, can he?……

That is an insult to the word ‘feeble’. Mick Pattel has clearly been studying MrRabbits well-known tome “100 Ways to Back-Flip Poorly”.

You missed today’s backflip as a result of the ‘convoy’. Abbott is now saying that he actuall WILL listen to the result of a Plebsicite on the carbon tax. Ha, good ol weather vein Tony, earns his title well.

Henry82 said :

amarooresident3 said :

New conspiracy theory is on the loose via twitter – the police are doing the governments bidding and preventing 2km worth of trucks from entering the ACT..

– ACT Policing not blocking anyone @ ACT/NSW border. Not aware of anything else.

via act_pol twitter.

Also, i cant hear anything about it on the scanner.

Yeah, there was no word of any police blocks amongst the convoyers on the CB channels, and I had the radio on all day.

Can we have a convoy of no confidence every day? My drive to work was pleasant this morning.

My favourite overheard bit from Alan ‘The Parrot’ Jones was when he summed up the crowd (sic):

‘We’re average! We’re average!’

Yes, you are.

clp said :

I was at Parliament House so popped over for a quick look – the funniest thing was someone being interviewed to one side and he was going on and on about protecting kids from gay marriage whilst Alan Jones was prancing around on stage behind him.

They seem to be trying to re-brand this raggle-taggle mob as anti-carbon-tax only, so it’s good they’re finding the grab-bag of loonies and interviewing them about their various gripes.

You really should have taken the above loony aside and explained Mr Jones’ proclivities to him. Not that he’d believe you. Alan Jones is a Real Australian.

H…. let’s see now, who said;

You know Cate, the power we have in the trucking industry is huge and most of our people don’t realise it, we could use just one sector of our industry to stop the country, take the fuel trucks off the road for one week, nothing will move, the following week we could take all the fridge vans off the road and the food shelves would be empty in no time, I think by now you get my drift, the reality is that we don’t believe in ourselves enough to co-ordinate it, but wouldn’t it be great if we could.



The launch takes place in Townsville tomorrow (Friday 21st) from there it should appear in the papers and in the trucking newspaper ‘Big Rigs’ which is distributed around Australia free at most roadhouses, it is not specific to the trucking industry we need the entire community to support this campaign, we want every industry suffering as we are to come on board.
I encourage you to distribute it as much as possible.


Mind you, the same person also said;

I’m with you on that, three weeks into the campaign and there are very few ribbons on vehicles, most of the truckies are afraid that they will be targeted by enforcement,it has been suggested that they are going to hammer trucks with red ribbons, I guess I’ll be in for some scrutiny as I plan to wear mine for three months.

Conspiracy theorist much?

Gungahlin Al1:42 pm 22 Aug 11

clp said :

I was at Parliament House so popped over for a quick look – the funniest thing was someone being interviewed to one side and he was going on and on about protecting kids from gay marriage whilst Alan Jones was prancing around on stage behind him.
Now Alannis that is ironic.


And Mark Parton Tweeted an audio interview with a cyclist called David and asked where he was from – Canberra Times. “So you’re here doing what I’m doing?” “No I’m here to participate and say my piece in favour of the carbon tax” (not direct quotes). ’twas CT’s brilliant and razoer-sharp cartoonist David Pope I believe, who was on Insiders yesterday morning. Not on Mark’s reading/viewing list perhaps?

I was at Parliament House so popped over for a quick look – the funniest thing was someone being interviewed to one side and he was going on and on about protecting kids from gay marriage whilst Alan Jones was prancing around on stage behind him.
Now Alannis that is ironic.

New conspiracy theory is on the loose via twitter – the police are doing the governments bidding and preventing 2km worth of trucks from entering the ACT


Or black helicopters.

Or reptoids *IN* black helicopters?

It Mick Pattel related to that dodgy doctor?

Popped over to have a look at lunchtime… ye gods.

On the plus side, Allan Jones was proclaiming that the trucks have now executed a successful blockade of the State Circle median strip, so that’s something.

The Antichrist1:09 pm 22 Aug 11

Stevian said :

…..He can’t seriously believe that anybody would see that as anything but a feeble attempt at saving face, can he?……

That is an insult to the word ‘feeble’. Mick Pattel has clearly been studying MrRabbits well-known tome “100 Ways to Back-Flip Poorly”.

thatsnotme said :

Hahaha, this is priceless:

Organisers had last week expected thousands of people to take part in the protest.

But organiser Mick Pattel denied the number of trucks was lower than organisers hoped, saying the number of vehicles in the protest was deliberately kept down.

“The idea was to minimise it because, look, it was just going to be too difficult, even with 60 vehicles behind you it was incredibly hard to manage in terms of getting parking, in terms of getting fuel, getting food. We realised that we could actually collapse in on ourselves just by the sheer weight of numbers, and by the time we got to Canberra I really think it would have been a mess,” he said.

With spin like that, this guy should just run for office himself!


He can’t seriously believe that anybody would see that as anything but a feeble attempt at saving face, can he?

amarooresident3 said :

New conspiracy theory is on the loose via twitter – the police are doing the governments bidding and preventing 2km worth of trucks from entering the ACT..

– ACT Policing not blocking anyone @ ACT/NSW border. Not aware of anything else.

via act_pol twitter.

Also, i cant hear anything about it on the scanner.

amarooresident312:31 pm 22 Aug 11

New conspiracy theory is on the loose via twitter – the police are doing the governments bidding and preventing 2km worth of trucks from entering the ACT.

it’s bullflop, but has been seized on by the tin foil brigade as proof of a vast conspiracy and the death of democracy.

The phantom convoy and beaut spring weather certainly encouraged hundreds more Canberrans to ride their bikes to work.

Which may just offest the carbon spewed into the skies by a comparitive handful of gullible and exploited truckies.

Organisers always overstate numbers. I observed a climate change rally once, where they claimed there were 15,000 people, in reality there was probably 1000. The fact of the matter is if you called the media and said “oh they’ll be 12 of us protesting” they wouldnt come, let alone give you column inches in any semi-decent newspaper.

BenMac said :

BenMac said :

I think the expected 3000 to 9000 at Parliament is stretching it a bit.

Channel 9 news just stated about 200 people.

I just went out to have alook. I’ll be generous and give them maybe 500…

thatsnotme said :

Hahaha, this is priceless:

Organisers had last week expected thousands of people to take part in the protest.

But organiser Mick Pattel denied the number of trucks was lower than organisers hoped, saying the number of vehicles in the protest was deliberately kept down.

“The idea was to minimise it because, look, it was just going to be too difficult, even with 60 vehicles behind you it was incredibly hard to manage in terms of getting parking, in terms of getting fuel, getting food. We realised that we could actually collapse in on ourselves just by the sheer weight of numbers, and by the time we got to Canberra I really think it would have been a mess,” he said.

That wouldn’t be the same Mick Pattel, who said on the Convoy of No Sense website;

I’m receiving from phone calls all over Australia tells me this event will be massive, I believe this convoy will enter the history books as the biggest people protest of all time, as such the board tonight agreed to keep a register of those people participating as a historical record that will be available in the future.

Must be a different Mick Pattel.

amarooresident3 said :

Organisers must be kicking themselves that they agreed to not park their trucks in the parliamentay triangle. Diminished the impact somewhat.

Evidently the police won’t let the big trucks up to Parliamentary Drive at all, which is probably why they’re driving around and around State Circle right now – closest they could get to a visible presence.

amarooresident311:48 am 22 Aug 11

Organisers must be kicking themselves that they agreed to not park their trucks in the parliamentay triangle. Diminished the impact somewhat.

caf said :

My money is on a fizzer. The roads will probably be better than usual, given everyone planning to take the day off or work from home.

Man, way to call it. Best run in to work in ages.

BenMac said :

I think the expected 3000 to 9000 at Parliament is stretching it a bit.

Channel 9 news just stated about 200 people.

I only wish one of the multitudes of police officers protecting the convoy pulled over the moron in the Pajero and issued him with a ticket. There is no way that is taseful.

Fixed that one for you.

YetAnotherBlowIn said :

I only wish one of the multitudes of police officers protecting the convoy pulled over the maroon Pajero and issued him with a ticket. There is no way that is legal.

At least theyve got photographic evidence of the crime. Maybe a ticket will be waiting for them in their mailbox when they get home to wherever it was they came from.

I completely forgot about it until after I got into the car because I was running late for work and then went “Oh sh!t, I forgot about the doomsday traffic prediction!”

Best run in while for me too.

The convoy of ‘real (redneck) Australians’ just passed the intersection of Northbourne and McArthur Ave a few minutes ago. Must have only been about 50 or so vehicles, half trucks – without trailers, very unimpressive – half hiluxes with Eureka Stockade flags. Some beeping, couple of cop cars, free-flowing traffic = huge anti-climax.

YetAnotherBlowIn said :

I only wish one of the multitudes of police officers protecting the convoy pulled over the maroon Pajero and issued him with a ticket. There is no way that is legal.

What are the chances?


BenMac said :

Apprantly 150 will be heading down Northbourne shortly from Yass, according to ACTPol_traffic.

Maybe these are Gen Y truck drivers. Needed a bit of a sleep in.

I seem to recall reading yesterday that police had told them not to leave Yass until 9am, so that they wouldn’t be coming in during peak time.

Lazy I said :

Convoy of No Consequence?

We have a winner!

YetAnotherBlowIn said :

There is no way that is legal.

I saw the photo and thought the exact same thing.

Convoy backed up on northbourne & Barton Hway xroad. Traffic heavy in area. Avoid if possible

(according to ACT police twitter)

amarooresident310:18 am 22 Aug 11

Apparently there is naother ‘unoffical” convoy just arrived from Yass. About 150 vehicles according to ACT Police.

YetAnotherBlowIn10:17 am 22 Aug 11

I only wish one of the multitudes of police officers protecting the convoy pulled over the maroon Pajero and issued him with a ticket. There is no way that is legal.

Apprantly 150 will be heading down Northbourne shortly from Yass, according to ACTPol_traffic.

Maybe these are Gen Y truck drivers. Needed a bit of a sleep in.

Meh, Convoy of No Consequence… Best run I’ve had in to work since the last lot of school holidays.

I saw an IGA truck, but I think it was just heading off to the supermarket.

A mate of mine got held up by a garbage truck in his driveway. Does that count?

And right now there’s a plumber’s van outside my window – I’m watching it while I have my double-decaf soy latte. He’s having a smoke. He doesn’t seem angry, but I’m sure he must be.

creative_canberran10:10 am 22 Aug 11

Well I’d take some pics except my camera’s “convoy detection” feature isn’t getting anything? The Smile detection though should work fine!

YetAnotherBlowIn10:09 am 22 Aug 11

Canberra Times has photos of the convoy, leading with a shot of a madly grinning Tony Abbott sitting in the passenger seat of a truck.

Strangely (or appropriately) enough, his expression reminds me of trollface.

And yet this two men and a dog caravan of fail still gets the royal treatment from the police etc. I’ll be interested to see the final numbers in the actual protest. People who’ve come to protest against other things in a more lawful manner will have good reason to say WTF?

Say you’re coming with a CONVOY OF TRUCKS and everyone panics. Good tactics for the next lot.

poetix said :

Must buy a latte at Tilleys, aka Satan’s Starbucks.

Remember this post next time you are looking for awesome riotact tag lines.

Perhaps the Rapture happened, taking drivers and trucks up to heaven, leaving all the ‘greenie carbon-tax-supporting live-export-denying Lefties’ behind?

Must buy a latte at Tilleys, aka Satan’s Starbucks.

ThatUniStudent said :

I shot some great video from Manuka to ANU. Not one truck seen, and only one protester. I think this will go down as the “convoy of no showers” rather than the “convoy of no confidence”.

“convoy of no showers” = something smelly 😉

So this morning’s event really just ended up being the Convoy of Happy Canberran Commuters.

The Antichrist9:37 am 22 Aug 11

Words fail me really……..well, words apart from


go back to real Australia and chew a grass stem while eyeing off your cousins

The overwhelming opinion in my office was that traffic was much better this morning, and that we should hold this convoy everyday.

Have they arrived yet? was it all a hoax?

Convoy of no Consequence?

Holden Caulfield9:27 am 22 Aug 11

Total fizzer from my pov. Not even tumbleweeds would do the anti-climax justice.

Perhaps all the talk about the convoy did have some effect, though, as there was less traffic on the road compared to a usual morning commute (inner north %u2013 Fyshwick)!

This morning was the best run I’ve ever had to work. Barely waited a total of 2 minutes for traffic lights, and traffic was less than half of what it usually is at 8:50am. It was great!

troll-sniffer9:26 am 22 Aug 11

I tell ya, these brownies have got a lot to answer for, waking me up early with all the noise and hubbub… oh wait that was the cacophany of the news choppers fling around in ever more desperate circles looking for something to fillum. Around 8am I flicked on the TV to gauge the impact, the moron channels managed to fit a snippet in between ads showing a few trucks and a couple of still aerial shots from out of town somewhere, the ABC News Breakfast quite rightly was broadcasting the impending fall of Tripoli.

What was it the cops are famous for saying? Something like “Nothing to see here, move on, move on…”

Best drive to work I have had in months. Under 15 mins from Weston Creek to the City at 8.30am, and I even got to do 100 on the Parkway.Unheard of!

Should we try and make this a regular event?

Hahaha, this is priceless:

Organisers had last week expected thousands of people to take part in the protest.

But organiser Mick Pattel denied the number of trucks was lower than organisers hoped, saying the number of vehicles in the protest was deliberately kept down.

“The idea was to minimise it because, look, it was just going to be too difficult, even with 60 vehicles behind you it was incredibly hard to manage in terms of getting parking, in terms of getting fuel, getting food. We realised that we could actually collapse in on ourselves just by the sheer weight of numbers, and by the time we got to Canberra I really think it would have been a mess,” he said.

With spin like that, this guy should just run for office himself!


Pure GOLD –

Organisers had last week expected thousands of people to take part in the protest. But organiser Mick Pattel denied the number of trucks was lower than organisers hoped, saying the number of vehicles in the protest was deliberately kept down.

“The idea was to minimise it because, look, it was just going to be too difficult, even with 60 vehicles behind you it was incredibly hard to manage in terms of getting parking, in terms of getting fuel, getting food. We realised that we could actually collapse in on ourselves just by the sheer weight of numbers, and by the time we got to Canberra I really think it would have been a mess,” he said.

Ha, what a joke!! With Abbott heading up the main ‘group’. What a twit.

That would be the “damp squib” (or “Damp Squid” if your auto-correct is enthusiastic)

Gungahlin Al9:14 am 22 Aug 11

So about now the dismal #convoyofnoconfidence are realising that in fact it is they who are the noisy minority?

Is there a correct expression for a massive supernova of a fizzer?

Complete and utter anti-climax.

Better than normal drive in from Tuggers around 7am. Saw three or four trucks and a few 4WDs under police motorcycle escort westbound on Parkes way near the Uni…and that was it. Maybe the day will bring something a tad more exciting!

Frikkin’ hilarious! That had to be my smoothest, quickest run into work at that time of day ever. And I work at Parliament House 😉

Maybe we should invite the Convoy Of No Consequence back more often.

Convoy of no consequence indeed.

My bus was a bit more full than usual. Brutal effect hayseeds!

caf said :

My money is on a fizzer. The roads will probably be better than usual, given everyone planning to take the day off or work from home.

I had to laugh this morning – I flicked over to 106 to catch a traffic report (usually I just listen to Triple J) and they were playing Highway to Hell. I turned it up and had a sing along and prepped myself to get stuck in traffic. But the moment never came. I actually shaved 10 minutes off my trip into work! I even drive past APH on my way in and I couldn’t see a single dolled up truck or vehicle. I did see a heck of a lot of photographers standing round looking bored though. Fizzer indeed!

Convoy of Piss and Wind (COPAW). During an interview with the AFP this morning, 666 reported 60 vehicles with a couple of trucks in the early run, then 120 vehicles with a few more trucks in the later run.

These blokes can bring their trucks here whenever they like! Very light traffic all the way to work this morning (City) and no convoys spotted! I saw one truck and got excited, but it was just a local, probably working.

The only thing I have no confidence in, is their ability to run a convoy. What a fizzer.

I saw a Linfox truck & a Murrays coach tailgating a Mitsubishi Colt, was that the convoy?

I was expecting to see some mother f**king trucks in some mother f**king lanes. Suffice to say, I was dissapointed.

ThatUniStudent8:10 am 22 Aug 11

I shot some great video from Manuka to ANU. Not one truck seen, and only one protester. I think this will go down as the “convoy of no showers” rather than the “convoy of no confidence”.

BenMac said :

The total convoy is looking like about 200 “vehicles”. Not the ‘over 1000’ they were hoping for, and I think the expected 3000 to 9000 at Parliament is stretching it a bit.

Ah, so our black helicopter mind control rays are working efficiently. The population has been subjugated by turning the “apathy” level up to 11.

*steeples fingers*


YetAnotherBlowIn7:37 am 22 Aug 11

At 6:45am I saw that the Tuggeranong Parkway had been reduced to one lane northbound from Cotter Road. The convoy was travelling west along Cotter Road and turning onto the Parkway, the lights at the intersection had been disabled and police were directing holding up traffic to let them through. I saw a lot more 4WDs than trucks.

A colleague at work said that he was held up by the convoy at State Circle. Are they doing a Cotter Rd, Tuggeranong Pkwy, Parkes Rd, Commonwealth Ave loop?

I would have taken a photo of all the trucks this morning… but I didn’t see a single one. Convoy of fail more like it.

According to ACTPol_Traffic on twitter:

0530 convoy cancelled, merged into 0615 convoy due to lower numbers

The total convoy is looking like about 200 “vehicles”. Not the ‘over 1000’ they were hoping for, and I think the expected 3000 to 9000 at Parliament is stretching it a bit.

EvanJames said :

IhateWHINGERS said :

hey Evan, (whinge snipped)

If you hate whingers, what on earth was that?


pseudonymous12:32 am 22 Aug 11

Drove past EPIC this evening. About 20 trucks, tops, parked there. They have a campfire etc.

IhateWHINGERS said :

hey Evan, (whinge snipped)

If you hate whingers, what on earth was that?

IhateWHINGERS said :

hey Evan,
are you one of these whingy whiney “oh woe is me” greenies, Vast majority of the population don’t want a carbon tax, and thats their democratic right. we live in the town at the pointy end of politics and so if the people want to protest then let them. Don’t like it??? then move away. Otherwise suck it up and realise there are more people who matter in australia than just you.
get with the program you berk!

Hmmmm. “If you don’t like what’s going on, then move away”. I think you’ve really raised the bar of discourse on RA with this statement. Noting, of course, that RA is a place where people deliberately come to express their views, I would say that there’s no doubt at all that you’ve certainly landed a telling body blow to EJ. What an absolute masterpice of precision reasoning.

EJ, consider yourself refuted.

Good luck remainder of Canberra, I’ll be stepping off the left foot and heading down the coast for the next three days thus dodging the pandemonium. I’m hoping for the fizzer in my absence.

Mr Waffle said :

NickD said :

It’s interesting to see that Abbott has decided to speak to this mob, which seems rather unwise given the general tone of their website.

He was on the news tonight, they filmed him getting in and having a ride in one of the trucks and giving a campaign-ish speech. He seems to have given it his full backing…

Dumb move on his part I think.

IhateWHINGERS8:53 pm 21 Aug 11

hey Evan,
are you one of these whingy whiney “oh woe is me” greenies, Vast majority of the population don’t want a carbon tax, and thats their democratic right. we live in the town at the pointy end of politics and so if the people want to protest then let them. Don’t like it??? then move away. Otherwise suck it up and realise there are more people who matter in australia than just you.
get with the program you berk!

NickD said :

It’s interesting to see that Abbott has decided to speak to this mob, which seems rather unwise given the general tone of their website.

He was on the news tonight, they filmed him getting in and having a ride in one of the trucks and giving a campaign-ish speech. He seems to have given it his full backing…

Personally I think it’s about time Ewoks came to Canberra… ohh, Convoy of No Confidence. I thought it was Caravan of Courage.

Rawhide Kid Part36:18 pm 21 Aug 11

Love the song on the vid clp….

My money is on a fizzer. The roads will probably be better than usual, given everyone planning to take the day off or work from home.

The list of speakers and when they’re scheduled for is available at http://justgroundsonline.com/forum/topics/convoy-of-no-confidence-in-the-federal-government-coalition-of?xg_source=activity

It’s interesting to see that Abbott has decided to speak to this mob, which seems rather unwise given the general tone of their website.

I am rather hoping for Fizzer. The ATA and the NFF have distanced themselves from this Caravan of Confusion… the grab-bag of issues, plus the aim of forcing an election, is what they cite as their reasons.

There’s also the mention in the CT that a number of the “convoys” (convoying what?) will now enter Canberra tonight. That’ll stuff up the towns who were laying on supplies and beer in expectation of the giant piss-ups they were to hold during their stays on Sunday night.

It would be interesting if that were true, as their original stated aim was to disrupt Canberra traffic. Then Canberra stood up and told them to get a dog up them, and they back down.

If a bit of push-back has that effect, then the person with the many eggs to discharge in their direction had best station themselves at the northern entrance to Canberra and possibly scare them back to where they came from.

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