With the Northern Territory intervention due to expire next year, it’s a good time to talk about what comes next. There’ve been much discussion and criticism of the Intervention. We’d like to spend an evening talking about positive solutions, building on community’s strengths. This is the David Hunter Memorial lecture – ANTaR ACT’s flagship event for the year. We’ll be hearing from two experts in the field:
John Paterson, Chief Executive Officer for (Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance of the NT
Jon Altman from the Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian National University
Details for the event are:
TIME: 7:15 – 9:30 pm
DATE: Thursday 17th of November 2011
PLACE: Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, 15 Blackall St, Barton, ACT
MORE INFORMATION:antaract@yahoo.com.au, ph: 0429 850 423
All welcome.
Refreshments will be provided.