Andrew Leigh has been securing himself a disproportionate presence on the ABC Radio airwaves lately. He secured a spot on the Science Show recently, then Breakfast on Saturday. Interestingly, on Saturday he exhibited quite a nasty bit of class warfare for a chap who represents the middle-class burghers of Canberra.
Speaking about higher education degrees, he was scathing about how parents whose children attend sandstone universities “clap politely while little Johnny and Susan get their degrees”, contrasting these apparently uptight and unpleasant stuck-up types with the whooping, joyous working-class families celebrating at the “besser-brick westie” universities.
Andrew – why the pointless classist diatribe? What do you have against families where more than one member happens to have earned a degree? Moreover, Andrew Leigh, if you’re going to tar the middle-class with such scorn, shouldn’t you be representing a working-class electorate rather than Canberra with the highest proportion of higher degrees in the country? Biting the hand that feeds you!