The Canberra Times is carrying a chorus of idiots criticizing some very sensible regulation of charity barbecues.
This supposedly onerous regulation is requiring organisations that conduct more than five fundraising bbqs a year get a $150 certification to make sure at least one of them knows what the hell they are doing.
The Chamber of Commerce’s Andrew Blyth has either not graced Bunnings on a Saturday morning or has some really amusing reading material in his commode:
ACT and Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive Andrew Blyth said he hoped it would be changed to protect community groups.
”Sporting clubs are run by people who volunteer time and they don’t need someone in a high-vis vest telling them when to turn the sausages,” he said.
”These people have been running barbecues for years.
Many of them have been running these BBQs badly for years, and frankly they do need someone telling them when to turn sausages, and more importantly how to keep them safe to eat between cooking and serving.
Five BBQs a year without bothering to learn some basic food safety is arguably too many.