The Crimes article has put a “civil union take 2” slant on it which I personally like but also realise it’s not going to excite a lot of other people.
The great and greater part about the news piece is that there will be a private member’s bill introduced in the Senate tomorrow by Senator Brown, and which already has ALP backing, to remove the federal government ability to veto Territory laws through relatively easy executive action: Senator Brown’s amendment would ensure territory laws could only be overturned by an act of federal parliament rather than a decision of the executive.
This means our democratically elected ACT government will be able to make laws for our Territory without fear of the federal government overturning them in an exceptionally autocratic manner. Which will put us on par with the States in terms of democratic standing and independence. About time – and begs the question why one of our ACT federal representatives haven’t showed this initiative before. Instead it took a Tasmanian Greens MP to stand up for the ACT? Anyway at least it’s in motion!