1 March 2006

Boy hit by car at school crossing in Amaroo

| nyssa76
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A Year 1 boy (approx 6yo) was hit this morning at a school crossing in Amaroo. (see ABC)

Question: if the child was at the crossing at 9:15am (when school has already started) where were his parents? A 6yo doesn’t have the capacity to judge a moving vehicle.

Also, what in the hell was the motorist thinking? It’s not like we don’t have 40kms zones all day.

Thankfully the student was taken to Calvary but was not seriously hurt.

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Twat (n)
1) Vulgar Slang. The vulva.
2) Offensive & Vulgar Slang. A woman or girl.

Gotta love the English language, there are 50 meanings for the same word 🙂

Oxford English Dictionary – definitions

“Twit – an offensive term for somebody who is regarded as unthinking or silly”

“Twat – a term for a female goldfish ‘with egg development,’ but as a term of archaic usage.”

Taken from the Goldfish Society of Great Britain. (There’s a society for everything.)
(1) Goldfish don’t get pregnant–they’re egg layers. Only taxonomically termed “beasts” can be pregnant. One says of egg-laden goldfish that they’re ripe.

No, I don’t think I look like a pregnant goldfish, but thanks.


Like I said, I know the facts, you don’t, so with respect to your hysteria in this matter I have 2 words…….hush now

And no, you weren’t being sarcastic, just stupid.

Leave the investigation of accidents to people who get paid to invesitigate them and leave your amateur conspiracy theories out of it.

It is incredibly easy not to see many things in a car no matter what the speed. Give it a rest, you look like a twit and I assume, from previous postings, you’re not

vg, I was being sarcastic.

el, I already said that even at 40kms/hr it would be BLOODY difficult not to see a child at a crossing at 9:15am when most parents drop off their children as early as 8am-8:30am for primary school.

RG, LG suggested that the child might have run out from between cars, and I agreed that it might be possible, however, given that schools are almost “dead” with traffic at 9:15am would indicate that that might not have been a possibility.

Ari, thanks for the laugh. I hope to see you out at Amaroo School with the measuring tape etc assisting with the police investigation. Don’t forget to do daily time maps of when the traffic is heavy and when there aren’t many cars there at all, plus the average rate of speed in a school zone.

I look forward to your Warren Omission….oops Commission.

Oh, and as for this:
Also, what in the hell was the motorist thinking? It’s not like we don’t have 40kms zones all day.
Where exactly is the information (“FACTS”, if you will) that PROVES the driver was speeding? These FACTS that YOU like to SPEAK of so OFTEN.

Oh, you can’t provide them? Didn’t think so.

Are you aware Nyssa, that car accidents can still occur even if a driver is obeying the speed limit?

Don’t confuse the speed kills message with the thought that driving at the speed limit means you’ll never have an accident.

As for this:

The kid ran down from the grassy knoll, between parked cars, towards the school’s book depositary.

I can infer that Nyssa was standing on that same grassy knoll by tracing the tragectory of her argument.

Best laugh I’ve had al day. Cheers Ari 🙂

I do know the facts and Nyssa has made a dead set fool of themselves.

What is a kid doing outside a school at 9.15am? I wouldn’t have thought you would need a rocket scientist to work out the answer ‘running late for school’.

‘Bugger the Police investigation’???? I’m glad you arent anywhere near my children

It’s clear somebody … or something … changed their powerful aura.

The admin person perhaps?

But what about the magic orange flags theory?

The kid ran down from the grassy knoll, between parked cars, towards the school’s book depositary.

I can infer that Nyssa was standing on that same grassy knoll by tracing the tragectory of her argument.

The answer is, the kid ran out, from between parked cars even. I assumed as LG already said that and you confirmed it I wouldn’t need to remind you.

But I’d had to cast an aspersion on your IQ level, thats already been done as well BTW.

Hmmmmm…..”deal with children”….’dolly nyssa’

RG when you can answer the question re: the time of the incident then I’ll discuss this issue with you further.

Bait away, I deal with children on a daily basis so your taunts are nothing really, just plain old childishness. I like to see what you “come up with”.

Ohhh I got Thumper thumped. Hurts so good.

nys, please start being reactive again, your baitability index is dropping.

WOuld it help if I called you a dumbass again?

Bite me kimba…aren’t you meant to be “extinct”?

Paranoia has nothing to do with it. You have nothing better to do than slag people off – reminds me of high school children.

Thumper, be careful, you’ll be accused of casting aspersions…rather than talking logically.

Wow poor nyssa is now getting paranoid (mentioning SGS), perhaps ‘she’ is our new Samuel! 🙂

No Ari, I’m responding to being called a “dumbass” etc.

Since SGS has left I guess people are looking for a new whipping bitch and it won’t be me.

Nyssa, you seem to be the only one howling in this thread, which is strange, since the moon has set.

If the child had died, people would be howling for the driver’s blood. Bugger the police investigation.

However, given that the student was not seriously injured people are quick to defend the right of the police to do their investigation before casting judgment.

You can’t have it both ways.

The sad truth is, unfortunately, no safety system is perfect, however many orange flags and TYPED CAPITALS are thrown at a safety issue.

Mix the reality of imperfect systems with often unpredictable child behaviour and this is likely to happen from time to time.

Sad, but true.

Rushing to blame the driver is not fair.

He may be at fault, but let the authorities inquire into it first before we judge.

Oh and before kimba asks me if I am an expert at role taking – why yes I am. Am I an expert at what happens in schools in the morning – why yes I am.

Am I aware that there is barely anyone near the school around 9:15am – why yes I am.

Ari, the driver had a responsibility to drive “safely”. Hitting a kid with a car – irrespective of it being an accident – is not safe driving, especially at the crossing.

Unless the child was running between cars, I doubt the driver wouldn’t have seen him at 9:15am when MOST children are already seated in their classrooms.

No one has addressed that issue. It was 15 minutes AFTER the morning bell and AFTER the roll had been taken.

Yet no one wants to bring that VITAL piece of information up. Funny that….

Nyssa your 5 FACTS are irrelevant – as a parent who dropped his kid off every day the driver was certainly aware of the crossing flags, speed limits etc etc etc.

Something else caused the accident, not lack of knowledge or indifference to a school zone.

kimba the FACTS I was referring to were the 5 I made in the previous post.

RG – “I got 3 of your 5 points beat Nys, one doubly so. With facts.

Suck it!”

Well bully for you! My question still stands – how in the hell can you hit a child in a school zone at 9:15am – when MOST children are ALREADY in school (it starts at 9am) – and the signs for the crossing would still have been up for another 15 minutes?

At least LG offered a possible scenario.

BM, thanks for the laugh.

The driver was fuly aware there were kids, since he was a school parent dropping his own kid off.

He was not seriously hurt.

Scuse me while I asperse all over everyones shoes, but that leads me to believe:
*The car was doing 40
*Because he knew he was in a school zone
*Also because he saw the orange flags
*And was watching for kids.

Hence, the kid was not seriously hurt.

Oh lookie!

The driver of the car is helping police with their inquiries

That hardly sounds like the actions of an irresponsible driver.

I got 3 of your 5 points beat Nys, one doubly so. With facts.

Suck it!

Do we in fact know that the kid was hit by a car?

It could have been a Llama or a Moose in disguise.

Please be more creative with your insults, next Nyssa is going to be moking kimba’s choice in shoes 🙂

I don’t know the facts…no one here knows the facts – that’s the point! If you know the facts -and you should as your’re at expert on children’s crossings – please share them with us.

And please make sure they are the facts not just your aspersions.

kimba, you’re a tool.

Look up the facts. Oh that’s right, I’m casting aspersions.

“(I think 76 is for IQ)” – Grow up and learn to read more than just the Weeties box.

Kewl, we don’t need eye-witnesses, the police or the judicial system anymore as we have nyssa76 (I think 76 is for IQ) to pass judgement and cast aspersions

I dont know what happened, so I can’t comment. I do know that my daughter is now 10, and I wouldn’t let her walk to school by herself. But we don’t know for sure that the parents weren’t there. Perhaps the mother told him to wait, but he shot out. Unfortunately, kids (particularly on wheels) can be speedy and don’t always do as they are told.

NYS, Are YOU off THE medication?

Here’s a thought, dumbass, it’s a bloody school crossing and there was NO REPORTED news that ANY PARENT/CARER was on the scene.

So WHO CALLED the cops? 1) the driver or 2) the school.

I don’t jump to any conclusions.
1) Children CAN’T judge the moving distance of a car until at least 10yo;
2) School crossing have ORANGE flags which IDENTIFY that it is a school crossing;
3) We have 40kms/hr speed zone signs which are basically “watch out for children” sign;
4) EVERY morning the radio (no matter what station you are on) tells you that SCHOOL ZONES ARE INFORCE from 8am and
5) You’d have to be blind freddy not to realise that you were in a school zone and that there is a POSSIBILITY that there would be children around.

I don’t need to “be there” to know those facts. I work in schools. I know when the orange flags are taken in and put out again (2:30pm).

As a parent of a 6yo boy, I sure as hell wouldn’t be letting him cross the road on his own either by walking OR riding a bike.

All I’m saying dumbass is that you weren’t there so why jump to any conclussions!

Irrespective of that. Why was a 6yo crossing on his own?

Again, 6yo’s can’t judge a moving vehicle. Anyone who teaches road safety would know that.

kimba, it’s a school zone, so here’s a thought, there might actually be children around and we should be on the look out for them.

How a driver, if he/she was doing 40kms, would NOT see the CROSSING FLAGS which are BRIGHT ORANGE is beyond me.

They AREN’T collected until 9:30am by the relevant admin people – who CAN judge the moving distance of a car.

Have you considered that the child “may” have been riding his bike across the crossing?

Have you considered that the child “may” have actually riding his bike across the crossing?

I judge you as having far too much sense kimba. Stand there and SIZZLE in my judgement!!

Well derrrrrrr, perhaps the car was doing the speed limit. Even when you are travelling at 40 (or under) you can still hit a pedestrian.

Shouldn’t we just let the police do their job before we start to judge the driver, the boy or his parent(s)?

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