Yesterday we discussed the SMH’s “Exclusive” on the possiblity of the Brumbies moving to Melbourne. Today the Canberra Times has a reassuring opening paragraph.
ACT Brumbies boss Andrew Fagan has declared as “zero” the chances of Australia’s premier Super rugby team bolting from Canberra to chase Melbourne’s corporate moneypot.”
Wow, that’s conclusive isn’t it. Shame the weasel-words and get-out clauses flow thick and fast behind.
“As I sit here today there is zero probability, and all things being equal it will continue to be that way,” Fagan said.
And all things not being equal tomorrow?
The only way in which the Brumbies would ever leave Canberra would be if the organisation couldn’t afford to stay here,
So, if enough money was backed up to this “organisation’s” door in trucks bearing Victorian number plates, could they afford to stay here?
All they’re saying right now is they haven’t signed any contracts. As the Brindabella Mountains disappear from the logo, the letters “ACT” from all the material, and the merchandising moves further and further from the argent, gold and navy of the ACT into tones of charcoal and yellow, you really have to wonder how stupid they think we are.