The ACT Emergency Services Agency Commissioner Dominic Lane has announced that the official 2012/2013 bushfire season for the ACT will conclude tonight at 11.59pm [31 March 2013].
“Since the bushfire season commenced on 1 October, 2012, a total of five Total Fire Ban days were declared in the ACT”, Commissioner Lane said.
“This compares to no Total Fire Bans the previous bushfire season of 2011/2012,” he said.
“During this bushfire season, the ACT recorded a total of 223 bush and grass fires, with only 104 recorded during the previous season.
“We saw some dangerous fire conditions through the ACT during the season and I would like to thank the ACT Community for their co-operation and support during these times.
“Unless conditions direct otherwise, the bushfire season will recommence on October 1, 2013?.
[Courtesy ESA]