I love music. I truly love music.
That’s why we, the folks over at [buzzpost] (http://buzzpost.com.au) want to get to work on a new project.
We want to interview, either through audio or video, the hardworking local artists that populate the ACT. We want to ask you the quirky questions that no other interviewer asks. We want to bring you to more and more new audiences in the most interesting way we can. None of this “Who influences you?” rubbish…we want to ask other, more amusing, more interesting questions. We want to know what your songs are about. We want to know your touring stories. We want know what you get a kick out of on stage. We want to know what you’d do on stage if you were drunk enough. We want you and your personality. We want to know what makes you tick, what makes you smile and what really pisses you off.
Each interview will be paired with a choice of your songs and we want to go into depth on why you chose those songs as well. We want to know all about you so we can get others to know all about you too. We’re planning on a new video each month featuring new music, new songs and new stories.
If you’re interested in discussing this in loads more depth, please email us over at ausbuzzpost@gmail.com and we’ll be happy to answer any questions, field any criticisms or tell you any facts about science you like.
Thank you!
-The Fellas @ [buzzpost]