ACT Fire & Rescue are currently on scene at a house fire on Tatchel Street, Calwell.
Update to follow.
5:43 PM
ACT Ambulance Service intensive care paramedics are also on scene and have assessed two patients.
Firefighters are continuing to extinguish the fire
House has been extensively damaged.
Nearby houses have been evacuated as a precaution, but no damage to neighbouring structures at this stage.
Three fire pumpers, the Bronto Skylift Hydraulic Platform, the Hazardous Material Unit, the Breathing Apparatus van and two Commanders are on scene.
Update to follow.
5:57 PM
Crews alerted following multiple Emergency Triple Zero (000) calls from 5.29pm.
Firefighters are continuing with firefighting operations and have knocked down the fire considerably.
The roof of the two level house has collapsed.
No damage to neighbouring property.
ACT Ambulance Service intensive care paramedics have assessed two patients on scene who will not require transport to hospital. A cat was rescued by the ACT Ambulance Service and taken to a nearby vet for assessment. The ACT Ambulance Service will remain on scene supporting firefighting operations.
Update to follow.
6:35 PM
The house fire that started in the kitchen has been extinguished. Firefighters are still in attendance monitoring for any hot spots.
The damage is estimated at $800,000.
8:41 PM
[Courtesy ESA]