26 May 2006

Canberra Has An Environmental Footprint

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The ABC has this story on Environmental scientist Barney Foran discussing how we in Canberra with our higher levels of income are creating a greater environmental impact.

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Slinky the Shocker10:14 am 29 May 06

And there I agree with you bulldog…It was a bullshit article. Cheers…

Hooray for you Slinky – you are a friend to the environment. Where can a guy get a Bass legend’s autograph?

You have missed my point – I acknowledged that fact that a qualification was not terribly important for Foran’s comments, but it does raise an interesting point; I work in a Library, so does that make me a Librarian? No it doesn’t – ergo it does not entitle me to make statements about trends that I may not necessarily know much about. That is what I was asking about Foran. As for MY doctorate – it’s in Kiss my Ass, so you can choose whether to listen or not.

You do raise a fair point about cyclists – however I base my view on the fact that I have been to no other cities (I may not be as well travelled as others) that see nearly as many cyclists as we have in the ACT, and we have a comparitively small population.

Slinky – what basis do you claim that litter is more aesthetic than environmental? What bullshit – where does most of Civic’s litter end up? Lake Burley Griffin. Do I need to draw you a map as to how this will effect the waterways in and around the ACT?

As with Googong and the restrictions placed on that waterway I agree that a petrol motor in good condition will not adversely affect the water quality – however this is an example of the powers ensuring that the water supply stays as good as it is. I don’t disagree with you that it is more important to monitor the qantity, but preserving quality is important too.

To cut to the chase – whether you like my points or not – it was a bullshit article. ’nuff said.

Espresso machines, plasma tv’s, a motorvehicle based transport system, suburbs of McMansions, evaporative cooling … no shit batman

Slinky the Shocker10:35 am 28 May 06

True, Big Al, however it’s not at all news that we have a footprint. It is slightly more news that it’s fairly large.

Of course we have a footprint – the thing that makes me laugh is the shit-bags who don’t understand the science – you can spot them easy enough – their the dumb-arse twits asking ‘compared to what?

Slinky the Shocker1:07 pm 27 May 06

That was a bullshit article. However we do use more water than Sydney, occupy more land per capita and drive to work more and further.
By the way, Foran was a CSIRO scientist at Gunghalin Homestead for 30 years. I don’t give a shit whether he was a Dr. or not (are you bulldog? If not I’ll just ignore you). He was quite the capacity of biofuels as well.
As for the rest of bulldog’s points:
-Doesn’t matter whether boats are on the water supply dam. What matters is how much we use.
-I doubt that ‘a lot of us’ cycle to work. (do a RiotAct google on “Fucking Cyclists”.
-Litter on the streets is more an aestethic problem than a large scale ecological one
-Yes, newer cars are a good points, but there is an outrageous amount of retarded 4WDs. I just downgraded to a Pulsar Hatch (6-7l/100km) and I tell you my petrol bills were never that low, while even my bass amp fits in perfectly.

You can go to this site here and test your personal environmental footprint:
Mine was over the average (we’d need 8 x planet earth if everyone led my lifestyle apparently.)
And I recycle, eat mostly fresh food and save water. I think in Canberra the climate is one problem (we need both heating and cooling), we take a lot of flights per capita, and we live in large houses with large yards.

barking toad4:44 pm 26 May 06

yeah Les, but what does it do?

Greeniology in action!

bahaha! Nice one Ari.

If Canberra’s leaving a “footprint”, does that make Queanbeyan the dog shit between our toes?

The OoS works on issues of the ACT’s environmental, social, and economic future. The department was formed under Stanhope by grabbing staffers from Environment ACT, Treasury, etc.

Sits in a corner and whimpers, probably…

Do these reports compare Canberra to other cities (larger, smaller, same size?), or to the impact of Canberra when it was smaller?
It’d make sense to say that bulldozing some land for a suburb or road or whatever has an impact.
And ultimately, does it matter?

Perhaps the most sensible question is, for our size and population, are we doing OK or could it be better (and what would that involve?).

barking toad3:46 pm 26 May 06

the council’s got an office of sustainability? ..the fuck? what does it do?

I don’t think it can be put down to Canberra-bashing: the ACT Govt’s Office of Sustainability produced a report with similar findings two years ago.

Available here: ttp://www.sustainability.act.gov.au/sus_reps/sustain_vol3.pdf

I can’t help but notice the apparrent correlation between the “Canberra’s getting fatter” and “Canberra’s environmental footprint growing” stories. Perhaps we are getting so fat that we’re eating Canberra to death?

Green propaganda. Higher levels of economic growth and incomes have led to improved environmental outcomes and standards.

this what Auslit has on the b’stard

I have a couple of problems with this useless piece of crap article.

1) What is Mr (note the absence of Dr or Professor) Foran’s qualification? What precisely makes him a scientist? No, this is not terribly important, but it’s all part of the rant.

2)Is Mr Foran a Canberra local? This sounds suspiciously like Canberra bashing because the theory that more money leads to more pollution, waste and eco-destruction cannot be proven.

3)Where does Mr Foran get the information to make these claims?

I only ask these question because it seems pretty plain to me when I travel to Sydney or Melbourne that we are a very clean town.

*There is, by comparison, very little litter in our streets.
*We seem to have newer and more roadworthy vehicles on the road thus diminishing our air pollution levels (and this is attributable to our higher standard of living).
*Many of us cycle as a form of transport, which also is a “green option”.
*We have huge tracts of reserve and park land between our residential areas – thus assisting the eco-system to retain some balance.
*We are generally pretty frugal and caring with our water supply – I imagine there aren’t many other water supply dams in the world where you aren’t able to take a motor-boat out.

In fact – I’d have to think long and hard to try and ascertain what we are doing worse than towns and cities of comparable size and population. Anyone care to shed some light on what we’re doing wrong?

Last, but not least – the claim that individulas do more damage to the environment than industry is ridiculous.

So much for the idiotic “no waste 2010”

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