The Canberra Symphony Orchestra has announced a rather clever partnership with Cochlear to bring music to the hearing impaired:
Cochlear was approached to provide seed funding for a trial involving Better Hearing ACT and members of the SCIC Music Group who work specifically with people with Cochlear implants. Cochlear agreed and a group of musicians were organised through the CSO to produce a music program and delve deeper into how music is experienced by the hearing impaired. The musicians were asked to play individually to test the sound range of each instrument and play pieces that were familiar and unfamiliar in various combinations of instruments. The feedback that was received was invaluable to Cochlear.
“When I saw with my own eyes the sheer delight on the faces of those who shared in the program on that first day, I knew we had to find a way to make this program grow,” Isobel Griffin said. “Following that first trial, we invited participants in the music program at SCIC and members of Better Hearing ACT to experience a symphony performance. They loved it and the word got back to Cochlear.”
Shaun Hand, General Manager Australia and New Zealand, Cochlear Limited says, “Cochlear is proud to partner with the Canberra Symphony Orchestra to open up the world of music for our customers. Whether our customers play an instrument, attend live concerts or simply listen to their iPod, Cochlear understands the happiness that music can bring and we are dedicated to developing world leading solutions that can help to enhance their music enjoyment.”
The partnership will now involve the CSO holding specially programming interactive music performances four times a year for the hearing impaired in the Canberra region. The musicians will perform day and night time concerts making a total of eight performances throughout the year. The CSO is privileged to have the expertise of Kristen Sutcliffe, full- time audiologist and CSO bassoon player facilitating the program.