I dont drink coffee.
I’ve never really aquired a taste for it and am always amused when i get invited out for a coffee as inevtiably i’ll order a hot chocolate instead. Lucky for me that most coffee shops also sell hot chocolates (funny how we call them that, coffee shops almost invariably sell far more than coffee). I suppose that like coffee, there is a great deal of variability in what makes a good hot/iced chocolate such as things like powdered or real chocolate, how bitter it is, how much froth and that sort of thing.
The best hot chocolate i’ve had in canberra was a belgian hot chocolate from Koko Black. I really enjoyed that you could stand a spoon up in it, but then the richness of theirs is not for everyone (if you havent had one its kind of like a mousse only not quite as set). Strangely enough the worst Iced chocolate i’ve had, was also from the same place. It was far too bitter.
In your opinion what makes up a great iced/hot chocolate and where do you go to get one?