John Hargreaves has proudly announced that he’s been out to the prison to hand out certificates to the female inmates working towards being qualified cafe workers:
- “The 12 female prisoners today graduated from the Certificate 1 unit in Hospitality Prepare and Serve Expresso Coffee which involved 15 hours of classroom time, as well as practical experience. Six of them will now work in the coffee shop at the AMC’s visitor centre.
“All the women will also continue in the Hospitality course with their next unit being Plan Coffee Shop Layout, Menu and Storage. Additionally they can elect to do units in food preparation.”
Expresso? Are ACTION planning to roll out coffee on the morning commute?
Other courses currently under way are:
- General literacy and numeracy; Asset Maintenance – Industrial Cleaning; Laundry Operations; Horticulture; and Textiles.
So… mostly things that they can employ the prisoners to do inside the facility?