The Crimes has the following story on changes Simon Corbell is looking at implementing to change how the ACT Supreme Court does business.
Basically it will remove the option of trial by judge alone (both side must agree to this option) and increase the minimum maximum sentence of a matter that can be dealt with by the Supreme Court. (If that made any sense) Currently if the maximum sentence is one year imprisonment you can go to the Supreme Court – this will be increases to 2 years.
The idea of this is many more Crooks are going to the Supreme Court because as we all know they are about as harsh as a slap with a feather duster. They are chosing trial by judge alone and Corbell wants to bring the juries back more often for serious offences.
Next to this article was a mention about the stabbing outside the Cube nightclub. I am guessing they are trying to make the point that if a jury had made the decision then maybe he wouldn’t have been aquitted.