Would you feel good about industrial factories been built on contaminated land in your suburb – and across the road from a childrens playground. Well it seems to be happening in the village of Oaks Estate.
A recent unopposed decision by Queanbeyan City Council (QCC) has meant just that.
As part of a recent LEP process, Railcorp through the QCC sought to have contaminated land rezoned to industrial use. The land area while ‘technically’ in NSW – is literally on Canberra’s border – fronts Railway St (ACT) and can only be accessed and serviced by driving heavy commerical vehicles through the village of Oaks Estate, which is in the ACT.
The residents of Oaks Estate say no to this and have sought assistance – but little support given by the ACT government to date.
There is a cross border MOU in place to allegedly manage ACT/Queanbeyan infrastructure issues and the sharing of…however been told that Queanbeyan has at the expense of ACT residents the right to determine an outcome which is only to their social and economic benefit…just does not stack up.
The community of Oaks Estate wants an outcome that is to the ACT’s benefit also.
We want a safe place for our children to play – not be polluted.
Help us say no!